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Mokslo publikacijos ir leidiniai

Personnel risk is one of the significant factors in improving financial performance. Comparing the subjective perception of sources of personnel risk between companies by the company's country of operation can be useful information for companies and national policymakers. The article aims to identify and quantify disparities and common characteristics in evaluating personnel risk sources between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Czech Republic and other V4 countries.
Autoriai:dr. Justas ŠtreimikisEKVIZora Petrakova Katarina Frajtova Michalikova Vendula Fialova
Kiaulininkystės svarbą rodo tai, kad daugiau kaip pusę visos vartotojų suvalgomos mėsos sudaro kiauliena. Tačiau gamyba paskutinį dešimtmetį Lietuvoje yra kone dvigubai mažesnė nei vartojimas, todėl daugiau nei pusė kiaulienos ir jos produktų importuojama. Tokia situacija Lietuvoje susiklostė dėl to, kad kiaulių augintojai susiduria su struktūriniais, gamybiniais, ekonominiais ir aplinkosauginiais iššūkiais. Studijos tikslas – numatyti Lietuvos kiaulininkystės ūkių perspektyvas iki 2030 m., atsižvelgiant į technologinius, struktūrinius, gamybinius, rinkos ir ekonominius veiksnius, diegiant aukštesnius kiaulių gerovės reikalavimus. Šiam tikslui įgyvendinti buvo išanalizuota mokslinė literatūra, susijusi su kiaulininkystės sektoriaus problemomis, parengta tyrimo metodika, išanalizuoti Europos Sąjungos (ES) teisės aktai dėl aukštesnių kiaulių gerovės reikalavimų ir įvertintos jų ateities perspektyvos bei poveikis kiaulininkystės ūkiams. Be to, studijoje įvertintos vyraujančios kiaulininkystės ūkių kiaulių laikymo technologijos, išanalizuoti struktūriniai, gamybiniai, ekonominiai ir aplinkosauginiai veiksniai, lemiantys kiaulienos sektoriaus plėtrą bei parengti Lietuvos kiaulininkystės ūkių vystymosi variantiniai scenarijai iki 2030 m.
Industry is one of the key sectors of Slovakia's economy and accounts for approximately 22% of GDP. Industrial production accounts for an average of 85% of the industry's contribution to GDP. The period of 2020 and 2021 was a crisis for all sectors of the economy due to the announcement of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Regarding the importance of industrial production in Slovakia's economy, we examine the impact of the coronavirus crisis on a sample of companies operating in this sector. Changes in the operational activity of enterprises are directly reflected in the volume of their net working capital.
Autoriai:dr. Justas ŠtreimikisEKVIJanka Grofčíková Hussam Musa
When compared to traditional indicators, text information can capture market sentiment, investor confidence, and public opinion more effectively. Meanwhile, the mixed-frequency dynamic factor model (MF-DFM) can capture current changes.
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIPeijin Li Xinyi Peng Chonghui Zhang
Improving green productivity (GP) is critical for achieving global sustainable green development. Yet, past efficiency studies on the African continent have ignored Africa's GP, estimation, and driving factors. Specifically, the role of sovereign debt vulnerability, environmental entrepreneurship, and institutional quality in ensuring Africa's green productivity development is lacking.
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIdr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėEKVI Zhixiang Zhou Nelson Amowine
Monografija „Transformation through Servitization: A Qualitative Structure Approach” (liet. „Servitizacija kaip raidos vektorius: Kokybinės struktūros teorinė prieiga“) siūlo inovatyvų konceptualų ir empirinį supratimą apie servitizacijos strategijas žemės ūkyje ir kaimo regionų vystyme, išnagrinėtus per evoliucinio požiūrio prizmę, pagrįstą kokybinių struktūrų teorija.
Identifying the carbon emission characteristics, driving factors, and decoupling status of the industrial subsectors is important for developing effective policy measures. This allows for implementing industrial emission reduction that, eventually, decouple carbon emission and economic growth. Such an analysis is especially important for the case of China on its way towards sustainable development and increasing global interrelationships
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIGangfei Luo Shouzhen Zeng JiaShun Pan
Transition towards low-carbon and carbon-neutral society requires multiple technological solutions. Thermal power generation is the main source of power generation in China and contribute to a large portion of carbon emission. Under the goal of “carbon peak”, thermal power generation efficiency will become an important factor affecting industrial development.
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVINanyue Jiang Chonghui Zhang Weihua Su Huanhuan Jin
Evaluation of green development is crucial for policy analysis and decision-making. To address the research gap on green development assessment systems, this study first presents the Super-efficiency Bounded Adjusted Measure model to gage the green growth index and economic growth index. This analysis involves evaluation of the coupling coordination degree. Through the analysis of the coordination between green growth and economic growth leads to recommendations for each region under consideration in regards to promotion of the components of the sustainable growth. This study presents the model that melds the objectives of the green and economic growth and uses the results for constructing the sustainable development Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient for the analysis of the differences in the sustainable development levels across the regions. The empirical case is presented to show the possibilities for application of the proposed approach.
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIdr. Vaida ŠapolaitėEKVIJiaxing Gu Shouzhen Zeng Wendi Chen
Urban and regional development is indispensable from energy systems that function in a sustainable and resilient manner. The generation of renewable energy has seen signifcant upturn in the last decade. Renewables can be exploited to meet the global energy needs and climate change mitigation goals. Therefore, development of urban and regional energy systems must take into account the possibilities and challenges posed by the increasing penetration of the renewable.