E-commerce provides opportunities to extend the market and plays a vital role in modern economy. However, its implementation often requires high-level technical infrastructure. This study regards both e-commerce and R&D as input factors and analyses their impact on firm output in the manufacturing sector of China. We find that ecommerce capital stocks and R&D capital stocks have a significant positive effect on the output growth, with &D being more influential than e-commerce.
Promoting green and low-carbon development in agriculture is the key to achieving high-quality development, in
which financial expenditure on agriculture is an essential means to support its green development. This study
first estimates the green productivity of twenty corn-growing provinces by the by-production model with
Luenberger total factor productivity indicator in China from 2004 to 2018. Then the impact of fiscal spending on
its green productivity growth and its mechanism are investigated by the econometric models
A rapidly expanding field, sustainable agriculture aims to produce food and energy for
people today and future generations. The sustainability concept is different in every field; thus, the indicators are unique in any area and country. Sustainable agriculture contains three main dimensions: economic, environmental, and social. Sustainable agriculture has been the focus of researchers for the past twenty-five years and has attracted much attention.
The examination of “smart” growth in various economic and societal development areas and contexts has spread around the globe, in both scientific and policy discourse, with a recent focus on transformations concerning “smart” green growth, “smart” regional development, and green transformation, including “smart” villages. However, until recently, much confusion has existed regarding different understandings of “smartness” for different communities in different contexts.
The development of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is crucial in ensuring the creation of a low-carbon society and mitigation of climate change. These tasks require concerted actions from multiple stakeholders since the very concept of CSA is rather complex and requires multi-dimensional consideration. This study defines and applies various indicators to evaluate the development of CSA in the European Union (EU).
The shadow prices, or marginal abatement cost, of pollutants is a useful measure of environmental performance. Unlike much of the previous studies focusing on only one kind of pollutants, this paper applies the (multiplier) by-production approach to measure the shadow prices of carbon emission, sulfur emission, and dust. The case of regional economies in China is considered.
The production of high-quality seeds and planting material is the basis for increasing the efficiency and sustainability of crop production. The main aim of this article is to develop proposals to ensure that supply meets the demand in the seed and planting material market Ukraine. The future prospects are also discussed. The paper uses statistical and comparative analysis. The patterns of foreign trade in seeds and planting material to and from Ukraine are analyzed. The high level of import dependence of Ukraine leads to excessive exposure to instability in the world seed market. The development of seed production in Ukraine is discussed and analyzed along with the ways for improving commercial circulation of seeds and planting materials.
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIdr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėEKVIOleksandr Zakharchuk Andrii Hutorov Vyshnevetska Oksana Vitalii Nitsenko
This paper focuses on the state-of-the-art analysis of the concepts relevant to the functioning of agricultural supply chains. The viable supply chains concept is considered to be the most comprehensive one that encompasses sustainability, agility and resilience. However, this concept has scarcely been applied to agricultural supply chains. Thus, we discuss the theoretical foundations and empirical manifestations of the related concepts and propose a framework for analysis of agricultural supply chain viability.
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIdr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėEKVIdr. Mangirdas MorkūnasEKVIdr. Artiom VolkovEKVIdr. Agnė ŽičkienėEKVIdr. Vida DabkienėEKVI Erika RibašauskienėEKVI
This paper presents a framework for decomposition of changes in farm profitability with regards to structural, activity and intensity (efficiency) effects. The Index Decomposition Analysis (IDA) is adapted for isolation of the effects of profit margin, asset turnover, leverage, capital intensity and structure. The proposed approach complements the regression-based analysis as the IDA allows combining data from different levels of aggregation and taking the structural change into account.
Amid the rise of the new industrial revolution, the digital economy has gradually become the major fulcrum behind China’s industrial transformation. This study examines how the digital economy impacts enterprises’ substantive green innovation and its mechanism using data drawn from a sample of Chinese listed companies covering 2011–2019 and focusing on internal control and long-term investment.