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Mokslo publikacijos

This study aims to investigate the relationship between sustainability and resilience concepts in agriculture. First, we discuss the theoretical preliminaries related to the definition of these two concepts. Indeed, the literature considers sustainability as a proxy for resilience and vice versa in the context of agriculture. Intuitively, one may expect that sustainability and resilience are positively correlated. Second, we challenge these insights by embarking on empirical analysis directed at the Northern European countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden) that are member states of the European Union.
This paper seeks to account for differences in productivity of the industrial and non-industrial activities in the productivity analysis framework. The Luenberger productivity indicator is widely applied to analyze the productivity change, and can be decomposed as it follows the additive structure.
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVISicen Liu Gang Peng Chuanwang Sun Anda Guo
Geothermal energy can be an attractive source of renewable energy in many respects. The purpose of this paper is to assess the role of geothermal energy in the West Pomeranian Region of Poland. The article presents the key principles of geothermal energy development, its role, functions and perspectives in fostering renewable energy usage in the region in question.
Autoriai:dr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėEKVIMarcin Rabe Adam Wosciecchowski Magdalena Sochacka
This article aims to fill the cognitive gap by providing evidence for different barriers hampering the innovative activity in ecotourism which concerns the promotion of the so-called transformative tourism concept. The research is devoted to identifying what are the most important barriers in the two areas: i) policy and regulation; ii) regional economic development.
Autoriai:dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-RaudonėEKVIdr. Dalia VidickienėEKVIdr. Rita VilkėEKVIPawel Chmielinski Aija Zobena
Based on an extended three-step CDM model, this paper addresses the impacts of research and development (R&D) and information and communication technology (ICT) on firm productivity for the World Bank innovation survey data of China. The study includes ICT investment and R&D as the two main inputs into innovation and productivity.
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIFacang Zhu Qianqian Li Shichun Yang
The aim of the paper was to present the economic performance of Lithuanian farms in the context of the selected European Union (EU) countries. The analysis was conducted using the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) data on average over the period 2015-2018. The results are presented at the EU country-level, both for the whole sample and disaggregated by the farming system, namely, specialist cereals, oilseeds and protein crops (COP) and specialist milk systems. Six Central East European Countries (CEECs), Germany and France were chosen as benchmarking countries.
Autoriai:dr. Vida DabkienėEKVI
The emphasis put on environmental issues of the European Union (EU) agricultural sector in the strategies like the European Green Deal, Biodiversity and Farm to fork strategy give new directions to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) changing the EU agricultural practice into a more environment-and climate-friendly manner. The modified support rules and obligations for farmers will necessitate adopting new farm management practices on farms. This paper proposes the Agri-environmental Footprint Index (AFI) as a tool to identify the current state of the environmental situation and to track the changes and achievements on farms.
In this paper, we attempt to identify the major groups of decision making units (dairy farms) contributing to the aggregate efficiency change. We also suggest identifying influential peers in order to gain more insights into possible development strategies within a sector. The empirical application focuses on specialist dairy farms in Lithuania.
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIGiannis Karagiannis
The undertaken research investigates the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model from the perspective of online education in the deadliest period of COVID-19. This research investigates the extended dimensions, for instance, mobile self-efficacy and perceived enjoyment besides traditional elements of the UTAUT model with the relationship of behavioural intention and user behaviour of LMS. Since the COVID-19 led to social isolation (SIS), thus, this study has incorporated SIS as mediating factor and fear of COVID-19 (FOC) as the moderating factor for the considered extended model of UTAUT.
Autoriai:dr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėEKVIJustas Štreimikis Rizwan Raheem Ahmed
The EU dairy sector has faced new challenges since the main EU enlargement in 2004. This paper investigates spatial raw milk price transmission between Germany, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. The study applies the Granger Causality test to analyse the short-term raw milk price movements between the selected markets.