Urban and regional development is indispensable from energy systems that function in a
sustainable and resilient manner. The generation of renewable energy has seen signifcant
upturn in the last decade. Renewables can be exploited to meet the global energy needs
and climate change mitigation goals. Therefore, development of urban and regional energy
systems must take into account the possibilities and challenges posed by the increasing
penetration of the renewable.
Autoriai:dr. Indrė Šikšnelytė-ButkienėEKVIdr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėEKVIdr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIGiulio Paolo Agnusdei
Vehicle re-identification technology plays a pivotal role in intelligent transportation systems, contributing
significantly to improved traffic scheduling and reduced net-zero emissions. It holds immense potential for
advancing carbon neutrality efforts.
Autoriai:dr. Zhiyang ShenEKVIYiwei Liang Yafei Gao
Inclusive green growth has received significant attention globally since being proposed in 2012, with an emphasis on the social inclusion and green growth of the economy. In the process of growing the inclusive green economy, innovation has become the key factor in balancing the connection between economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental greenness.
Autoriai:dr. Zhiyang ShenEKVILijun Jia Ruoyu Xu Malin Song
Through their consumption behavior, households are responsible for more than 70%
of total global greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, the GHG emission reduction
potential due to the household behavior is very high. Energy consumption is the main source of the GHG emission in households.
Disruptive events may be critical to supply chains as they may not be viable enough to sustain the challenges. Public support is often offered in order to increase the viability of supply chains. This is particularly important in the context of agri-food supply chains that are crucial for food security. This article proposes a novel framework for the assessment of agri-food products’ supply chain viability during various disruptive external effects.
Autoriai:dr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIdr. Agnė ŽičkienėEKVIdr. Artiom VolkovEKVIdr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėEKVIdr. Mangirdas MorkūnasEKVIdr. Vida DabkienėEKVI Erika RibašauskienėEKVI
In recent years, there has been a burgeoning emphasis on advancing the paradigm of energy transformation and expediting the maturation of novel energy systems in order to enhance the structural integrity of China's energy industry.
Autoriai:dr. Zhiyang ShenEKVIXiaosheng Li Ruirui Wang Malin Song
Amid a growing interest in venture capital research, little attention has been given to exploring the influence of digital empowerment on this domain. Particularly in the midst of heightened uncertainty factors contributing to global financial fragility and instances of capital retreat, these matters demand comprehensive examination.
Drawing on resource-based theory and information asymmetry theory, this study collected extensive data from 1,985 Chinese manufacturing listed enterprises in the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) from 2016 to 2020.
Autoriai:dr. Zhiyang ShenEKVIWei Zhang Shiqi Ye Malin Song
The European Green Deal and similar strategies seek to improve sustainability of the
agricultural sector via public support programmes. It is important to assess the costs
of sustainable energy use in agriculture by exploiting the shadow price approach.
Sustainable agriculture strives to ensure future food and energy supply while safeguarding natural resources. The interpretation of sustainability varies by context and country, yielding distinct indicators. Researchers have studied sustainable agriculture for the past 25 years and have developed several indicators.
This study responds to the need for theoretical and empirical research on value co-creation in
tourism. Previous research has mainly adopted a perspective centred on the collaborative relationships
between tourists and service providers, i.e., has been focused on a relationship called ‘one-to-one’.
According to the emerging trends in value co-creation theory, value co-creation activities, however,
are more complex.
Autoriai:dr. Dalia VidickienėEKVIdr. Živilė Gedminaitė-RaudonėEKVIdr. Vitalija SimonaitytėEKVIdr. Rita LankauskienėEKVI