Analysis of workplace well-being of Slovakian employees during a crisis

Analysis of workplace well-being of Slovakian employees during a crisis
Autoriai:dr. Justas ŠtreimikisEKVIPéter Karácsony Angelika Czókolyová Ladislav Mura



The economic crisis of recent years has had a significant impact on the well-being of employees at work. The coronavirus that appeared in 2019 and the economic crisis have become one of the most powerful influencing factors in terms of workplace well-being. The actuality of the topic is given by the fact that the effects caused by the coronavirus crisis have still left a noticeable impact in many areas of working life. The primary goal of the study was to analyse the workplace well-being in Slovakian small and medium-sized enterprises. The methodology of the research was a questionnaire survey, interviewing a total of 772 employees in 2023. According to the research hypothesis, a significant correlation can be shown between workplace anxiety, nervousness, and sadness (negative emotions) and the achievement of workplace well-being. The obtained results support the correctness of the hypothesis that there is a significant correlation between the prevalence of negative emotions and the achievement of well-being at work. The results also showed how the order of the elements of the negative emotional factor affects the achievement of well-being at work: first of all, sadness at work, then anxiety at work, and finally nervousness at work, had an impact on the development of job satisfaction.


Karácsony, P.; Czókolyová, A.; Mura, L.; Štreimikis, J. 2024. Analysis of workplace well-being of Slovakian employees during a crisis. Management & Marketing : Sciendo. ISSN 1842-0206. eISSN 2069-8887. 19, 3, p. 402–418. DOI: 10.2478/mmcks-2024-0018. [DOAJ; Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science); Scopus].

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