Climate change mitigation measures linked to households’ energy consumption havehuge greenhouse gases (GHG) emission reduction potential and positive impact on energy povertyreduction. However, measures such as renovation of residential buildings or installation of microgeneration technologies based on renewable energy sources have not realized their full energy savingand GHG emission reduction potentials, due to the energy efficiency paradox and other barriers. These climate change mitigation policies targeting the households’ sector can deliver extra benefitssuch as energy poverty reduction and implementation of the energy justice principle; therefore,they require more attention of scholars and policy makers. The aim of this paper is to analyzethe energy poverty and climate change mitigation issues in EU households based on a systematicliterature review, and to provide future research paths and policy recommendations. Based on thesystematic literature review, this paper develops an integrated framework for addressing energypoverty, just carbon free energy transition and climate change mitigation issues in the EU. Additionally,we argue that more targeted climate change policies and measures are necessary in the light of theshortcomings of current measures to reduce energy poverty and realize climate change mitigationpotential linked to energy consumption in households.
Štreimikienė, D.; Lekavičius, V.; Baležentis, T.; Kyriakopoulos, G.L.; Abrhám, J. 2020. Climate Change Mitigation Policies Targeting Households and Addressing Energy Poverty in European Union. Energies. Vol. 13, Issue 13, 3389; EISSN 1996-1073; https://doi.org/10.3390/en13133389; [AGORA (FAO)external link; AGRIS - Agricultural Sciences and Technology (FAO)external link; CAB Abstracts (CABI)external link; Chemical Abstracts (ACS)external link; Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology (Clarivate Analytics)external link; DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journalsexternal link; EconPapers (RePEc)external link; Ei Compendex / Engineering Village (Elsevier)external link; ETDE - Energy Technology Data Exchange (IEA)external link; Genamics JournalSeekexternal link; HINARI (WHO)external link; IDEAS (RePEc)external link; Inspec (IET)external link; Journal Citation Reports / Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics)external link; Julkaisufoorumi Publication Forum (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies)external link; LAPSE - Living Archive for Process Systems Engineeringexternal link; Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD)external link; RePEcexternal link; Science Citation Index Expanded - Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)external link; Scopus (Elsevier)external link; Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)].