Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are accounted for as a major part of the economy of the EU in terms of part of the population employed, turnover, value-added, etc. Causes of insolvency of SMEs can be different; they are categorized in the paper. A considerable shift from resolving cases of bankruptcy with the sole aim to satisfy creditors’ rights to augmenting and enhancing liquidation and reorganization procedures evolved interest of the authors in creating efficient bankruptcy prediction models and, in particular, methodologies for evaluation and monitoring of the performance of SMEs. In the paper, we reviewed several initiatives and instruments created by the EU for supporting SMEs. The paper laid a foundation for creating a more comprehensive methodology for evaluation of the state of a firm undergoing the process of reorganization. A hierarchy structure of criteria for the evaluation of SMEs was used in the paper; methodologies for eliciting weights of importance of criteria from experts and gauging the level of concordance of opinions of experts were applied. Resulting weights of criteria of performance of an insolvent SME were obtained; the importance of the managerial category of criteria was revealed. Prominent features of hierarchy structures and methodology of using the structure for calculating ultimate weights were described and demonstrated. Gauging concordance of opinions of experts revealed a satisfactory level of concordance of opinions of experts; this allowed to prepare the ultimate weights of criteria for multiple criteria evaluation of SMEs for further research.
Podviezko A.; Kurschus R.; Lapinskiene G. 2019. Eliciting Weights of Significance of Criteria for a Monitoring Model of Performance of SMEs for Successful Insolvency Administrator’s Intervention. Sustainability. Vol. 11, Issue 20, 5667; EISSN 2071-1050; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11205667; [AGORA (FAO)external link; AGRIS - Agricultural Sciences and Technology (FAO)external link; Animal Science Database (CABI)external link; CAB Abstracts (CABI)external link; Chemical Abstracts (ACS)external link; Current Contents - Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)external link; Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)external link; DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journalsexternal link; EconPapers (RePEc)external link; FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts (IFIS)external link; Genamics JournalSeekexternal link; GeoBase (Elsevier)external link; Global Health (CABI)external link; HINARI (WHO)external link; IDEAS (RePEc)external link; Inspec (IET)external link; Journal Citation Reports / Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics)external link; Journal Citation Reports / Social Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics)external link; Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD)external link; RePEcexternal link; Review of Agricultural Entomology (CABI)external link; Science Citation Index Expanded - Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)external link; Scopus (Elsevier)external link; Social Sciences Citation Index - Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)external link; Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)].