Abstract: Enzymatic synthesis of bio-lubricant from (9Z)-octadecenoic acid with a-propylene glycol has been investigated in this article and the purpose of this study has been to find out the optimum reaction conditions of esterification. Lipolytic enzyme (Lipolase ®lOOL) has been used to catalyze esterification reaction in solvent-free systems. The optimum reaction conditions of esterification process were achieved. The assessment of the bio lubricant production options was studied. Tribological properties of a-propylene glycol esters of (9Z)-octadecenoic acids as bio-lubricants were assessed.
Keywords: bio-lubricant, enzymatic synthesis, TOPSIS, tribological.
Gumbyte, M.; Kreivaitis, R.; Balezentis T. 2015. Enzymatic synthesis of a-propylene glycol with (9z)-octadecenoic acid by lipolytic enzyme, In BALTTRIB' 2015 VIII International Scientific Conference Aleksandras Stulginskis University Kaunas, Lithuania 26-27 November 2015, 44-49. ISSN 1822-8801.