List of Abstracts
Clusters as approach to strengthen innovation, development and green transformation in the agrifood sector | 35 |
"Green" Transfo1mation of the Common Agricultural Policy and Its Impact on Farm Income Disparities | 36 |
Rural Economic Developments and Social Movements: A New Paradigm for Transformation in Rural Areas | 36 |
Green Transfo1mation in Kosovo's Rural Areas: Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications | 38 |
How to support positive systems transformations - evaluator lens | 40 |
Usefulness of prioritisation methods in designing CAP Strategic Plans | 40 |
Rural prosperity in Romania from vision to action | 41 |
Agriculture 4.0 in Italy: analysis of entrepreneurs' preferences and diffusion forecasts | 42 |
Interaction between stakeholders and levels of governance in Green Infrastructure plans: Lessons learnt from two strategic planning processes in Galicia and The Netherlands | 44 |
BioRural toolkit as support for development pan-European Rural Bioeconomy Network | 44 |
Sustainability of farms of various production types - economic and environmental assessment | 45 |
Thermal insulation materials from local sheep wool | 46 |
Analysing nitrogen use efficiency in cereal farms: insights from Lithuanian agriculture | 47 |
A systematic literature review on gender equality norms, constraints and adoption of women's innovations in agriculture | 48 |
Lessons to be learned from the Implementation of the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Measure "Agri-Environment and Climate" | 48 |
Evaluating the interaction between agricultural activity and the environment - the impact of mineral fertilizer use | 50 |
Institutional public tenders as a tool for the development of local supply chains | 50 |
Unpacking household food waste in Lithuania: quantities, composition, and causes | 52 |
Development of a Sustainable Food System in the Context of the European Union Long-term Vision for Rural Areas | 52 |
Biomass supply potential analysis at national and regional levels in Poland | 53 |
Livestock fanning and land use: Demonstrating connections using the example of Austrian chicken fattening | 54 |
Developing visions for rural areas through science, society and policy interfaces | 55 |
Geographical variability of agricultural cyclical set-aside in Poland: Effectiveness of the complementary EU instrument | 56 |
An empirical analysis of specialized dai1y farms in Lithuania in the context of selected EU countries | 57 |
Research on the state of the Romanian Bioeconomy Strategy | 58 |
Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Al) in the Agriculture Industry: current status and future. | 58 |
Community farming in Northern Ireland: definitions and impacts | 59 |
Instruments and forms of support for Romania by the National Strategic Plan 2023-2027 | 60 |
Where there are good digital ground for green transformation? Spatial distribution of internet quality in Poland | 61 |
Geoheritage as territorial capital for potential sustainable development of rural peripheries | 62 |
Integrating bioeconomy in the Common Agricultural Policy: Strategic planning and action plan insights from Poland and the BIOECO-UP Project | 62 |
Rural Environmental Registry (CAR): Strategic Tool for Enviromnental Conservation in Brazil | 64 |
Multivariate exploration of factors influencing perceptions of ecological transformation through circular economy in rural European areas | 65 |
Evolution of CAP SP preparations: challenges lessons and possibilities from Lithuanian experience | 66 |
Green Transformation in Finland and the Baltic States: Comparative Analysis of Transition to Renewable Energy Sources | 69 |
Rural living labs as a way to support rural development policies | 69 |
Challenges for enhancing social innovations in marginalized rural areas: Lithuanian case | 70 |
Remote sensing monitoring as part of the eco-scheme "Water retention on permanent grasslands” | 72 |
Social innovations for collaborative transformation in Lithuanian rural area | 73 |
Multi-actor Innovation Platforms MAINSTREAMing small-scale BIO-based solutions across rural Europe | 74 |
Regional Inclusive Biobased Entrepreneurship Solutions (RIBES) | 75 |
Green transformation in rural areas: what really matters? | 76 |
BBioNets Forest and Agriculture Network | 77 |
Giving Rural Actors Novel data and re-Useable tools to Lead public Action in Rural areas | 77 |
Empirical investigation of catch crops as a carbon sequestration technique: A case study of the Carbon Fanning CE initiative | 79 |
Spreading Open and Inclusive Literacy and Soil Culture through Artistic Practices and Education | 80 |