Green innovation (GI) is an important means of achieving a win-win outcome in the form of both economic development and environmental protection. Using a unique Chinese Patent Census Database to identify the quantity and quality of GI in each province and panel data for Chinese industrial sector in 30 provinces from 2002 to 2015, we investigated the impact of environmental regulation (ER) on GI in China. This study presents the first attempt to identify green innovation quality in China. Empirical results show that there is an inverted-U relationship between ER and GI. The heterogenous effects are further investigated in order to obtain more accurate policy implications. The results indicate that the impact of ER on GI is insignificant in the central and western regions, implying the necessity of adjusting ER policies in these regions. Second, the inverted U-shaped relationship between ER and GI only occurred in provinces with high state-owned enterprise (SOE) ratio, figuring out the special role of Chinese SOEs in promoting GI. Third, the impact of ER on GI is insignificant in regions with high levels of pollution, indicating high potential of green innovation and policy adjustments there.
Pan, X.; Cheng, W.; Gao, Y.; Balezentis, T.; Shen, Z. 2021. Is environmental regulation effective in promoting the quantity and quality of green innovation?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 6232-6241;Electronic ISSN 1614-7499, Print ISSN 0944-1344; https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-10984-w; [AGRICOLA; ANVUR; BIOSIS; Biological Abstracts; CAB Abstracts; CNKI; Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS); Current Contents/ Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences; Dimensions; EBSCO Biomedical Reference Collection; EBSCO Discovery Service; EBSCO Energy & Power Source; EBSCO Environment; EBSCO STM Source; EBSCO Sustainability Reference Center; EBSCO Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide; EMBiology; Elsevier Biobase; Geobase; Google Scholar; INIS Atomindex; Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China; Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST); Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition; Medline; Naver; OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service; ProQuest ABI/INFORM; ProQuest Agricultural & Environmental Science Database; ProQuest Algology, Mycology and Protozoology Abstracts (Microbiology C); ProQuest Bacteriology Abstracts (Microbiology B); ProQuest Biological Science Database; ProQuest Business Premium Collection; ProQuest Central; ProQuest Ecology Abstracts; ProQuest Environmental Science; ProQuest Health & Medical Collection; ProQuest Health Research Premium Collection; ProQuest Industrial and Applied Microbiology Abstracts (Microbiology A); ProQuest Medical Database; ProQuest Natural Science Collection; ProQuest Pharma Collection; ProQuest Pollution Abstracts; ProQuest Public Health Database; ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection; ProQuest Science Database; ProQuest Toxicology Abstracts; ProQuest-ExLibris Primo; ProQuest-ExLibris Summon; SCImago; SCOPUS; Science Citation Index; Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch); Semantic Scholar; TD Net Discovery Service; Transport Research International Documentation(TRID); UGC-CARE List (India); WTI Frankfurt eG].