Structured approach to alternative food initiatives: the case of local food movement in Lithuania

Structured approach to alternative food initiatives: the case of local food movement in Lithuania
Autoriai: Erika RibašauskienėEKVIDiana Šumylė Lina Pareigienė



This paper aims to identify whether alternative food initiatives (AFIs) are part of a broader local food movement (LFM) in Lithuania. It presents an attempt to use new social movement (NSM) theory as an analytic framework for a more structured analysis of AFIs development.


Šumylė, D.; Pareigienė, L.; Ribašauskienė, E. 2017. Structured approach to alternative food initiatives: the case of local food movement in Lithuania, In K. Svels (Ed.), The XXVII ESRS conference : Proceedings of the XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Conference, Krakow, Poland, 24-27 July 2017. Social innovations in agriculture and local food market (pp. 318-319). Krakow: Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University.