ABSTRACT. The article involve the scientific literature based on analysis of clusters, examines the link between cluster development and inward foreign direct investment. Cluster is more and more important phenomena, though, new studies stress their drawbacks. The closer look at three identified sources of cluster attractiveness for investors particularly foreign ones. These are: pecuniary agglomeration economies, knowledge-conducive environment and social dimension. It seems in fact that under some circumstances agglomeration economies, knowledge environment and institutional and social dimension of cluster (understood as reduced uncertainty) may have adverse affect on companies discouraging them from location in cluster. It tries to compile the possible side-effects of identified advantages attributed to clusters.
Keywords: Clusters, localization economies, spatial concentration, foreign direct investment.
JEL classification: R11 - Regional Economic Activity: Growth, Development, Environmental Issues, and Changes R12 - Size and Spatial Distributions of Regional Economic Activity F21 - International Investment; Long-Term Capital Movements.
Goetz, M.; Stalgiene, A.; Gineitiene, Z. 2013. The cluster (UN) attractiveness for foreign direct investments, Perspectiva academica „Dezvoltarea invatamantului superior, sovietati democratice si economiei de piata in context European”, 25-26 aprilie 2013, Chisinau : Universitatea „Perspectiva-INT”, Ministerul Educatiei al Republicii Moldova, 4:132-138. ISBN 978-9975-4439-4-4.