The study covered by the present paper sought to look into a range of factors affecting the building of trust in brands among social media community groups. For the purpose of the present study, in order to measure the influence of visual content, the authors of the present paper investigated its visual as well as emotional characteristics while factoring in consumer engagement variables. In order to test our hypotheses, two different visual advertisements of an artificial hypothetical apparel brand were created. The robustness of the results was ensured by the findings of the representative consumer survey and a factor and regression analysis. The survey concluded that engagement with the brand-created content by social media community groups may be viewed as a proxy variable when studying the consumer confidence in a brand within consumer groups. The authors of the paper also argue that an image-based content identity does affect the engagement with the content created by a brand within the social network community groups. The difference impact of the cognitive, emotional or behavioral involvement of social media community group members onto the formation of brand trust is revealed.
Karpenka, L.; Rudiene, E.; Morkunas, M.; Volkov, A. 2021. The Influence of a Brand’s Visual Content on Consumer Trust in Social Media Community Groups. J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 16, 2424–2441; https://doi.org/10.3390/ jtaer16060133; [Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science); Scopus].