Unused potential for Smart Specialization development through collaboration: Lithuanian case

Unused potential for Smart Specialization development through collaboration: Lithuanian case
Autoriai:dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-RaudonėEKVIdr. Dalia VidickienėEKVIdr. Rita VilkėEKVI



Smart Specialization in this research is addressed to the use of collaboration as a tool for increasing efficiency ofinvestment inentrepreneurship, research and innovation ina service-driven post-industrial economic system. This study provides evidence that collaboration potential is used only partly during the implementation ofSmart Specialization strategy. Theresearch illustrates given thesis bythe evaluation ofcollaboration inLithuanian biogassector, which is listed among thepriorities ofLithuania’s Smart Specialization strategy till 2020, using structured interviews. Themain aim ofthis empirical research is toassess thewill tocollaborate inorder toenhance the development of Smart Specialization and identify unused collaboration potential among all Quadruple Helix model counterparts in the biogas sector. Empirical findings show that collaboration in the Smart Specialization development hasa big potential. However, this potential is used only partly because oflack ofknowledge and available business infrastructure forthis task and thepassive role incollaboration processes ofgovernment institutions. Research findings suggest thatcurrent situation should be changed bysupporting measures forbusiness and NGOs with theaim toencourage collaborative initiatives forSmart Specialization. Research findings might serve asguidelines forpolicy makers, entrepreneurs, university and NGO managers.

JEL codes: O13, Q16, Q18, R11, D85


Gedminaitė-Raudonė Ž.; Vidickienė D.; Vilkė R. 2019. Unused potential forSmart Specialization development through collaboration: Lithuanian case. Agricultural Economics - Czech, 65: 463–469, https://doi.org/10.17221/98/2019-AGRICECON; [Clarivate Analytics Web of Science [IF 1.0]: Q3 - Economics; Q3 - Agricultural Economics and Policy; Scopus [0.431]; Agricola; Agrindex of AGRIS/FAO database; CAB Abstracts; Czech Agricultural and Food Bibliography; CNKI; DOAJ (Directory of Open Acces Journals); EBSCO - Academic Search Ultimate; FSTA (formerly Food Science and Technology Abstracts); GoogleScholar; J-Gate; ISI Web of Knowledge®].

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