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Agricultural Economics Glossary

Agricultural Economics Glossary


Dictionary structure 

The dictionary consists of more than 1300 terms and their combinations, which are presented in five languages ​​(Lithuanian, English, German, French and Russian). To change them, you need to click with the mouse on the corresponding flag with the two-letter international code of the foreign language. 

You can search for terms in several ways: by alphabet, areas of use, slots (by entering the main word of the term in the search field) or search for a specific term (by entering all or part of it). 

The description of the term consists of: term or combination of terms (in Palemon font, underlined), status, area of ​​use, synonym (if any), definition of the term, its equivalents in English, German, French and Russian, source of the definition. Abbreviations are given in parentheses for the combination of terms and equivalents in foreign languages, if such is used.