In 2023, the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (LCSS), Institute of Economics and Rural Development launches a new Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 programme project “BASCIL – Innovative Solutions for the Rural Food Production Sector to Diversify into Sustainable Culinary Tourism Services”. BASCIL stands for Interreg program call for proposals under the priority of “Innovative societies” and its programme objective “Resilient economies and communities”.
Research group:dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-RaudonėIERDdr. Rita LankauskienėIERDdr. Vitalija SimonaitytėIERD

The Institute of Economics and Rural Development of the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences launches the project „Increasing the scope of knowledge commercialization and R&D products transfer of the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences“ under the Investment Operational Program of the European Union Funds for 2014–2020 “Promotion of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation”.
Research group: Artūras LakisIERDdr. Virgilijus SkulskisIERDdr. Irena KriščiukaitienėIERDdr. Aistė GalnaitytėIERDdr. Virginia NamiotkoIERDdr. Arūnas KremensasIERDdr. Sigitas VėjelisIERDdr. Saulius VaitkusIERDdr. Agnė KairytėIERD

Institute of Economics and Rural Development of the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences launches an international innovation project GRETA - “Green Transformation! A policy tool for Regional Smart Specialisation in Baltic Sea Region” under INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014–2020.
Research group:dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-RaudonėIERDdr. Rita VilkėIERDdr. Vitalija SimonaitytėIERDdr. Rasa MelnikienėIERD

The project “Thermal Insulating Materials Derived from Sheep Wool” was launched on the 15thof October 2020. The project is implemented under the activity “Support for the establishment and development of European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational groups” of the measure “Cooperation” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Program for 2014-2020. The project is being implemented by Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (LAEI), Laboratory of Thermal Insulating Materials and Acoustics of the Institute of Building Materials of the Vilnius Tech Faculty of Civil Engineering and six family farms.
Research group:dr. Tomas BaležentisIERD Artūras LakisIERDdr. Virgilijus SkulskisIERDdr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėIERDdr. Irena KriščiukaitienėIERDdr. Aistė GalnaitytėIERDdr. Virginia NamiotkoIERD

The overall objective of RESTinBSR is to prepare the main project, which aims to support and develop ecotourism as alternative to the mass tourism. The main project aims at unlocking the potential of such innovative form of ecotourism as transformative ecotourism. Transformative eco tourist has more goals aiming very deeply understand a travel destination's culture dealing with environmentally friendly and responsible behaviour for self-transformation. The project will seek to use transnational learning and cooperation for developing a set of innovative tools for promotion of ecotourism business with focus on development of such innovative form as transformative ecotourism.
Research group:dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-RaudonėIERDdr. Rita VilkėIERDdr. Rasa MelnikienėIERDdr. Dalia VidickienėIERD

The project “Efficient Farm Management” was launched on the 12th of March 2018. The duration of the project is one year. The project is implemented under the activity “Support for the establishment and development of European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational groups” of the measure “Cooperation” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Program for 2014-2020. The project is being implemented by Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (LAEI), consulting firm UAB ART21, three agricultural companies and five family farms.
Research group:dr. Irena KriščiukaitienėIERD Artūras LakisIERDdr. Virgilijus SkulskisIERDdr. Virginia NamiotkoIERDdr. Aistė GalnaitytėIERD

Lithuanian institute of agrarian economics takes part in international project “LARS - Learning Among Regions on Smart Specialisation”, Nr.#R042.
The project attempts to help the public sector in leading smart specialisation processes in their regions and to connect innovation networks across partner regions – Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Latvia, Poland, Germany and Lithuania. The 11 LARS consortium partners represent mostly authorities with a substantial experience as implementers of EU-regional policies but also research institutions with research and advisory experience in the field.

In September 2015 the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (LIAE) started implementation of the international Strategic Partnerships project 'Entrepreneurship with vision - methods and tools for managerial capacity building of agricultural producers in Central and Eastern Europe (ISM+ Project)', contract No. 2015-1-PL01 – KA202-016871, funded under the European Union ERASMUS+ programme.
Research group: Aldona StalgienėIERD

In November 2011 the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (LIAE) started implementation of the international project 'Interactive Strategic Management Methodology for Improvement of Agricultural Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe' funded under the European Union Leonardo da Vinci programme 'Transfer of Innovation'.
Research group: Aldona StalgienėIERD

Lithuanian institute of agrarian economics is a lead partner of project „Ecovillages for sustainable rural development“, which was started to implement in 2010, together with 4 other partners from EU (Latvia, Poland, Finland, Sweden) and Belarus as well.