Statistical publications “FADN survey results” are annually published since 1996. The publication of 2019 is based on accountancy data from 1299 family farms and 32 agricultural companies (AC). Selected farms cover all districts, natural zones and reflect different farming conditions. After the EU accession in 2004 Lithuania usually delivers data of 1000-1150 farms to the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Lithuanian economic size threshold for FADN survey is 4 thousand Euro.
Typology of the FADN sample was calculated based on SO 2013 coefficients (Table3), weighting of results was done with regard to FSS 2016.
Like in previous years, statistical results of family farms and agricultural companies are presented separately, as they are very different from both economic size and labour input. Some types of farming and economic size classes are aggregated. Weighted averages per farm are calculated for each group and whole country. Data of the previous year per country in family farms is also presented, what enables to compare farming results in the course of the last two years. Structures of the sample farms (family farms and agricultural companies) are revealed in the tables 4 and 5 respectively.
In family farms average arable land area was similar to previous years. Year 2019 was a little bit better for crop production than 2018. Yields of most cereals were higher, wheat (they compose the main part of arable land) yield increased by 14 per cent and made 4,86 t/ha, yield of rape (also very important crop) increased even by 39,6 per cent to 3,21 t/ha, compared to 2018. Due to higher production, sale prices of most crops were on the same level as in 2018 or slightly decreased. Overall the output of crops increased by 14,3 per cent till 21664 Euro, compared to 18948 Euro in 2018.
Situation in livestock sector was a little bit better than in 2018. Average number of livestock units per farm was 3,5 per cent higher. Milk yield per cow was also higher in 2019 and amounted to 5301 kg per cow. However, milk yield is rather low in comparison to most EU countries. Milk sale price was similar to 2018 (increased by 1 Euro cent) and amounted to 27 Euro cents in 2019. Production of beef, pork, poultry, eggs decreased, cow milk and honey production grew up. As the result, output livestock increased by 4,7 per cent to 9015 Euro, compared to 8612 Euro in 2018. As usual, the share of OGA in the total output was insignificant and amounted 952 Euro per farm.
Mainly due to described reasons above, Total Output increased by 11,3 per cent, compared to 2018, and amounted to 31631 Euro. Considering subsidies - direct and some other payments decreased and total subsidies excluded on investment dropped down by 1 per cent to 9907 Eur, compared to 2018. Investment subsidies were twice lower than in 2018.
Specific costs for crops and livestock, farming overheads and external factors have increased compared to 2018. Like in previous years, depreciation made about 25 per cent of total costs, taxes paid amounted only to 0,5 per cent of all costs.
Due to considerable increase of output, Farm Net Income were higher by 1,6 per cent and amounted to 9946 Euro, compared to 2018.
Average total assets were on the same level, compared to 2018, Net Worth at the end of the year also decreased by 1,6 per cent to 91000 Euro, compared to 92481 Euro in 2018.
Only 32 Agricultural companies (AC) were included into survey 2019. It was not easy to incorporate proper AC because a part of Lithuanian AC had chosen accounting year different from calendar year. Therefore, they could not provide farming and other data for year 2019. The results of agricultural companies are presented in two tables: standard results by type of farming and economic size based on the EU RICA methodology.
This publication contains 30 tables.
Family farms are grouped by:
- economic size;
- type of farming;
- area;
- land quality point;
- farmer’s age;
- counties;
- less favoured (LFA) and normal areas;
- organic farms.
Types of farming in family farms (row headings in the tables of family farms):
- Specialist cereals, oilseeds and protein crops (TF 15);
- General field cropping, mixed cropping (TF 16, 61);
- Horticulture and permanent crops (TF 23, 38);
- Specialist dairying (TF 45);
- Grazing livestock (TF 46, 47, 48, 73);
- Specialist granivores (TF 52, 53, 74);
- Field crops-grazing livestock, combined (TF 83);
- Various crops and livestock combined (TF 84).
Ūkių veiklos rezultatai (ŪADT tyrimo duomenys) 2019 = FADN survey results 2019. - Vilnius: Lietuvos agrarinės ekonomikos institutas, 2020. - 91 p.: iliustr., lent. - Santr. angl. ISSN 2029-1221