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Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development No 1(30), 2012

Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development No 1(30), 2012

The periodical journal of scientific publications (ISSN 1822-6760) is being published since 1999. Content, the form and periodicity of the journal has changed over this period of time. In the period of 1999-2006 the edition was published once per year, since 2007 - four times per year. Contents of all publications and editorial boards could be found in an archive.

In 2006 the journal was included into the list of international database Business Source Complete (EBSCO) (Peer-Rewieved). Those subscribing to this database can find articles of this publication http://search.ebscohost.com, and a title of an article can be found in the public web site - http://www.epnet.com/titleLists/bt-other.htm. At the time journal is registered also in international databases: Ulrich's and Index-Copernicus.

The aim of the journal is to promote and share scientific ideas of business and administration, practically and theoretically related to countryside, agriculture and its infrastructure. There could be also published theoretical articles in the field of management and administration.

In the journal are published scientific articles of scientists, industrial workers and practicians from higher educational and scientific institutions of Lithuania, Check Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Holland, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Ukraine and other countries. It should be mentioned as well that some journal volumes were published together with scientific institutions of other countries. We invite scientists to submit scientific articles and share their scientific and industrial management experiences. As manifested by the title of the journal the articles have to be written in the field of management and administration, have to analyse science and studying problems, have to be practically and theoretically related to countryside, agriculture and its infrastructure. There could be also published theoretical articles in the field of management and administration.

Presented articles must be not published elsewhere and should correspond to the requirements instituted by the editorial board of the journal. Articles should be reviewed by 2 scientists, whose field of scientific research corresponds to the article’s subject. One reviewer is chosen by the author and should present review together with the article, another reviewer is appointed by the editorial board. Reviews are to be written using a prepared form. An archive of the journal, requirements for articles and the form for a review can be found at the following web site - http://www.asu.lt/vadyb/en

Aleksandras Stulginskis university,

Universiteto 10, Akademija, LT-53361 Kaunas distr., Lithuania.

Tel. +370 698 17677. E-mail Julius.Ramanauskas@asu.lt

Journal: Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai = Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development / Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas. Lietuvos agrarinės ekonomikos institutas. 2012, nr. 1 (30), ISSN 1822-6760 (EBSCO host: Business Source Complete; Ulrich’s; IndexCopernicus) click here