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Market research. Agricultural and food products No 1 (31)

Market research. Agricultural and food products No 1 (31)
RINKOTYRA. Žemės ūkio ir maisto produktai. Nr. 1 (31)

Market Research No. 1 (31), Part 1, Market of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products, deals with the variations in the markets of grain, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, milk, beef, pork, and poultry, mutton and fish in 2005 and in the start of 2006. The analysis includes the volume of the agricultural output and of the purchase, the prices, export and import flows. The data on Lithuania is compared to the data of other countries, prognosis is presented. The most recent legislation relevant to the agricultural products is surveyed.

Part 2, Scientific research and analytical surveys, deals with the foreign trade results of agricultural and food products, changes of living standards in the countryside, the impact of the value added tax on the competitiveness of the products, the experience of support to the rural development in Poland.

The information on the foreign trade of fish and fish products within the second half of 2005 is presented in the annex.

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