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Organic Dairy Supply Chain Development in Lithuania : Scientific Study (in Lithuanian language)

Organic Dairy Supply Chain Development in Lithuania : Scientific Study (in Lithuanian language)

A scientific study „Organic dairy supply chain development in Lithuania“ is based on the results of key research carried out implementing the project “From niche to volume with integrity and trust“ (HealthyGrowth) under the European Community’s 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities of the CORE Organic II funded by ERA-NET. In Lithuania the project was administrated by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics together with partners from 9 European countries implemented the project; the coordinator of the project was Aarhus University, Denmark.

The objective of this study is to analyse the organic dairy supply chain and reveal the basic prerequisites for the success in combining supply volume and values. In addition the study aims to broaden the theoretical possibilities for the development of organic food supply chain through the cooperation of agricultural producers.

In the scientific study the organic dairy supply chain was analysed on the basis of the modern supply chain management theory; qualitative content analysis was applied to summarize publicly accessible information related to the cooperative “EKO Žemaitija” activities; multiperspective analysis allowed to examine the cooperative activities both on the level of individual stakeholder and on the level of medium organic dairy supply chain. To assess the activities of the cooperative as an individual stakeholder of medium supply chain, a qualitative research was carried out using in-depth interviews with the administrative manager of the cooperative; semi-structured interview also was applied collecting information about relationship and communication among “EKO Žemaitija" and small retailers; a questionnaire-based survey was used to assess the opinion of farmers about the activities of the cooperative.

Statistical analysis refers to the data of certification body “Ekoagros” and Agricultural Information and Rural Business Centre. The scientific study generalises the results of the research carried out in 2013-2016.

Results of the study: following the overview of food supply from producer to consumer chains, their types and characteristics were identified; organic dairy food supply chain in Lithuania was examined including raw milk production in farms and milk procurement prices, processing, distribution of milk retail prices among chain stakeholders; case study of “EKO Žemaitija” as an individual stakeholder of medium food supply chain was carried out, its success story was examined applying different methods, data sources and information collecting ways. In addition, the streams of organic milk use in Lithuania were analysed, theoretical milk balance was estimated, and suggestions for some problematic issues were provided.

Keywords: organic dairy supply chain, food supply chain stakeholder, „EKO Žemaitija“, relationships, communication, cooperation.

Skulskis, V.; Girgždienė, V. 2016. Ekologiškų pieno produktų tiekimo grandinės plėtotė Lietuvoje : Mokslo studija. Vilnius : Lietuvos agrarinės ekonomikos institutas. 86 p. : iliustr., santr. angl. (online) ISBN 978-9955-481-58-4.