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The evaluation of direct payment impact on agriculture using AGMEMOD : Scientific study (in Lithuanian language)

The evaluation of direct payment impact on agriculture using AGMEMOD : Scientific study (in Lithuanian language)

In recent time the types of support for Lithuania and other EU-27 countries are as follow: structural support, compensatory and direct payments, and state aid. Direct payments play essential role in total support. Because of producer price fluctuation impact on economic processes, direct payments are used to be the maintenance of farmers’ income.

The purpose of the research is to estimate the impact of direct payments on agriculture in Lithuania by using AGMEMOD. The results are as follow: comparative analysis of EU-27 agricultural sectors was accomplished; main indicators prognoses of crop and livestock sectors till 2020 by using different direct payments scenarios were prepared; the results verification was performed. Direct payments impact on producers’ income was estimated by using correlation and regression analysis. Labor input demand was investigated under different direct payments scenarios.

The results of the research reveal the impact of direct payments on agricultural sector and could be used by agricultural policy makers, lectors, researchers and every person who interested in agricultural economics.

Key words: the impact of direct payments, prognoses of the main agricultural products indicators, comparative analysis, identification of producers’ growing salaries factors.

Tiesioginių išmokų įtakos Lietuvos žemės ūkiui įvertinimas taikant AGMEMOD: Mokslo studija / Irena Kriščiukaitienė, Selemutė Andrikienė, Andrej Jedik, Virginia Namiotko - Vilnius: Lietuvos agrarinės ekonomikos institutas, 2012. - 55 p.; iliustr., santr. angl. (online) ISBN 978-9955-481-33-1.