Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics implements the Project Strengthening of the Administrative Capacity and Competence for Certification of Organic Agriculture in the Republic of Moldova that is financed by the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.
Considering the successful development of the organic farming practice and its streamlined certification process in Lithuania as well as the experience of the experts involved in the project implementation, it is aimed to increase the capacity building in the area of certification of organic production in the Republic of Moldova.
The key objectives of the project:
- introduce the experience of Lithuanian certification system for organic agriculture for representatives of Moldova;
- to improve competitiveness of certification specialists in short training by Moldavian organic farming certification bodies;
- to inform the public about the goals and results of the project.
After the project implementation will be strengthen the knowledge, abilities, skills and competence of specialists of the certification institutions. The farmers willing to certify their farms will have more possibilities to choose such a service, its quality and lower certifications costs.
This project is the first initiative aiming to improve the said capacity building on organic farming certification area in the Republic of Moldova under the assistance of the partner country (Lithuania) sharing the experience of the project experts, which is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova and the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Republic in Moldova.
More information: dr. Virgilijus Skulskis
Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (LIAE) under the contract, signed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, from June to November 2011 has been implementing the Project "Strengthening of the Competence for the Certification of Organic Agriculture and Presenting the Experience of Consulting System in the Republic of Moldova", financed by the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme.
The Project partner in the Republic of Moldova, as in the previous year, when implementing the first project, is a non-governmental organization ProRuralInvest. In consideration of the successful development of the organic farming practice and its streamlined certification process in Lithuania as well as extending and developing the activities of the last-year implemented project, and also with account taken of the survey results of certification experts during the implementation of the first project, the theoretical training on certification was arranged in Moldova. The training resulted in the increased capacity building of certification experts in the area of certification of livestock. Moreover, stakeholders were enabled to familiarize themselves with the Lithuanian institutions providing consultancy services on the issues of organic farming and their activity principles, ways and forms for receiving of services, financing opportunities, etc. Successful trainings are an additional step taken by Moldova’s national certification bodies to carry out a major part of the certification services to farmers.
Trainings, conducted by three experts from Lithuania (Dr. V. Skulskis, project leader, Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, Dr. I. Skurdenienė, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, and V. Masionis, Public Institution Ekoagros), were held on September 13–15, 2011, in the Republic of Moldova. After the first two days of training, certificates were issued to successful trainees. The last day of training was arranged at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova.
© Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania