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BASCIL project meeting in Klaipėda marks the halfway of the project

BASCIL project meeting in Klaipėda marks the halfway of the project

On 27-29 May 2024, researchers from the Institute of Economics and Rural Development of the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences have participated in the 5th international training seminar in Klaipėda region. This seminar is a part of the project “BASCIL - Innovative Solutions for the Rural Food Production Sector to Diversify into Sustainable Culinary Tourism Services” activities and is financed by Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021–2027 programme.


During the meeting, all project partners presented their work in the pilot regions, presented the local food producers participating in the project and their future plans. The project team, together with Krinova experts, presented solutions for efficient marketing of culinary tourism products/routes/tours (thematical or regional).


During the meeting, project partners were also introduced to examples of good practice in the Klaipėda region. The project team visited the Vaclovas Intas Stone Museum, the Winter Garden of the Kretinga Museum, Dreverna Small Boat Harbor and Campground, Mēmelis Winery, Rusnė Villa. The representatives of the visited local businesses shared their experience in developing a sustainable culinary heritage food and beverage business, shared business experience, good practices and inspired the meeting participants with their experience. The participants of the meeting tested the educational program “Fish Road”. The seminar participants gained useful knowledge and experience in creating innovative solutions for rural food producers in the tourism sector, which they are already trying to apply in their pilot regions.


More information about the project: https://interreg-baltic.eu/project/bascil/ 
