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Green Transformation! A policy tool for Regional Smart Specialisation in Baltic Sea Region

Green Transformation! A policy tool for Regional Smart Specialisation in Baltic Sea Region

Institute of Economics and Rural Development of the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences launches an international innovation project GRETA - “Green Transformation! A policy tool for Regional Smart Specialisation in Baltic Sea Region” under INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020.


The project activities cover 4 Nordic countries - the project will be implemented by partners from Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and Sweden. GRETA project is an extension of the project “LARS - Learning Among Regions on Smart Specialisation“ and it will use the Green Deal initiative to drive Green Growth, based on the smart specialization platform, combining environmental policies and regional development strategies.

GRETA project supports regional transformation to green economy and brings the fifth element, environment, into regional innovation process. In the extension stage, the aim is to analyse and consider innovation model and results from an environmental perspective and to draw policy briefs and recommendations to the EU, national and regional decisions makers.


Project duration: 2021.


Project website: https://www.lars-project.eu/


GRETA project team in Lithuania: dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-Raudonė, dr. Rita Vilkė and dr. Vitalija Simonaitytė

Tel. (8 5) 261 7071, zivile.gedminaite@ekvi.lt; rita.vilke@ekvi.lt; vitalija.simonaityte@ekvi.lt

Institute of Economics and Rural Development of the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences


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