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Implementation of the smart specialization in BSR regions are presented in the last LARS newsletter

Implementation of the smart specialization in BSR regions are presented in the last LARS newsletter

The team of the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region project “LARS - Learning Among Regions on Smart Specialisation” together with the researchers of the Institute of Economics and Rural Development of the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences dr. Zivile Gedminaite-Raudone and dr. Rita Vilke has finished implementation of the three-year project on smart specialization and shares the results of the project in the latest LARS project newsletter, which presents implementation experiences of smart specialization strategies in the Baltic Sea Region.

In the case of Lithuania, it was presented what kind of cooperation could strengthen the implementation of smart specialization in the field of bioeconomy (biogas) in Lithuania.


Newsletter link: https://www.lars-project.eu/results/meetings-and-events/lars-newsletter-6.


The Institute of Economics and Rural Development of the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences is a project partner in the INTERREG Baltic Sea region programme 2014-2020 project “Learning Among Regions on Smart Specialization” (LARS).


The aim of the project is to help the public sector find ways to promote innovation in the regions and to connect existing innovation networks between regions. In this way, the aim is to improve public sector policies that support innovation and cooperation.


LARS project team in Lithuania, dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-Raudonė and dr. Rita Vilkė

Institute of Economics and Rural Development of the Lithuanian Center for Social Research


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