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Responsible governance challenges and prospects were presented by researchers at the 21st International Conference of the Social Responsibility Research Network in Quito, Ecuador, in April 2024

Responsible governance challenges and prospects were presented by researchers at the 21st International Conference of the Social Responsibility Research Network in Quito, Ecuador, in April 2024

In 2024 the 21st International Conference of the Social Responsibility Research Network was held in Quito, Ecuador, from April 3 to 6, 2024. The theme of the conference "Tensions in the Theory and Practice of Social Responsibility". The contents addressed at the Quito conference have focused on the significant role played by sustainability, artificial intelligence, and technology in social responsibility. This year conference was organized in cooperation with the Universidad Estatal de Milagro (UNEMI). Researchers from the Institute of Economics and Rural Development are members of this network since 2011.  


Researchers from the Institute of Economics and Rural Development presented research results on responsible governance challenges and prospects in Lithuanian rural areas. Development trends of different regions in Europe call for a new generation of reflective and citizen needs-based policy and governance structures. It is recommended to work on greater elaborations of different tools used for community involvement in different rural regions of the EU. Currently used tools, as both theoretical and empirical evidence proves, differ among the regions and this causes different possibilities for most relevant stakeholders from a local community to be proactively involved in multi-level governance processes, and therefore contribute to more responsible governance practices.


More information can be found: https://xxisrrnet.unemi.edu.ec/


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