On 16-17 October, researchers from the Institute of Economic and Rural Development participated in the second ESIRA (Enhancing Social Innovation in Rural Areas) project meeting in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting included a detailed discussion of the tasks to be carried out in the project and the work plan for 2025.
As the main objective of the ESIRA project is to contribute to the development of innovative place-specific social economy initiatives aimed at increasing rural inclusion and empowerment of marginalised groups, the meeting focused on the existing experience of setting up Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) in the pilot regions and on the preparation for other social economy initiatives in rural areas. Partners from Spain, Italy, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania and Poland presented their existing work. The meeting provided an opportunity to share insights on the present state of the MAPs, while also setting clear objectives for their continued progress to enhance operational effectiveness and broaden their impact.
One of the key outcomes of the meeting was the establishment of comprehensive working guidelines for the MAPs' operation. These guidelines are designed to ensure consistency, coordination, and active engagement across all project levels, promoting collective efforts toward social innovation and inclusion.
The Train-the-Trainers program was also presented, with the goal of equipping key actors with the necessary knowledge and skills to further disseminate best practices within the MAPs. Additionally, an approach for the Rural Labs was discussed, focusing on the development of innovative social initiatives aimed at addressing social exclusion in rural areas.
The meeting addressed a range of operational and research-related topics, including the piloting of social economy initiatives, the effective management of the MAPs, and ongoing research on social exclusion. Communication and dissemination strategies were also outlined to ensure broad engagement and visibility of the project's outcomes.
Keywords: Social Economy, Social Innovation, Rural Development, Place-based Innovation, Rural Pact.
Project start date: 1 January 2024
Duration: 4 years
Budget: 4 499 840,00 EUR
Coordinator: University of Burgos (Spain)
15 partners from 8 countries, piloting 9 regions.
More information about the project: www.esira.eu
The project is implemented by:
Dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-Raudonė (project manager in Lithuania), tel. (+370 5) 2617 978, e-mail zivile.gedminaite@ekvi.lt;
Dr. Rasa Melnikienė, e-mail rasa.melnikiene@ekvi.lt
Dr. Dalia Vidickienė, e-mail dalia.vidickiene@ekvi.lt
Dr. Rita Lankauskienė, e-mail rita.lankauskiene@ekvi.lt;
Dr. Vitalija Simonaitytė, e-mail vitalija.simonaityte@ekvi.lt.
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