On 26th of September, 2023 the Institute of Economics and Rural Development of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences organized the final hybrid project “SHERPA” expert meeting, aiming to present the summarised results achieved during the implementation of the project in 2019-2023.
Over four years, SHERPA aimed to improve the use of knowledge gained through research investments and to empower key actors and stakeholders in public policy making. The overall objective of SHERPA was to gather relevant knowledge and opinions to inform future policy recommendations for the EU's rural areas. The project aimed to create a science-society-policy interface that would become a knowledge and policy hub. SHERPA also built the foundations for empowering rural development actors through a unique Delphi methodology to help rural areas seize the unique opportunities that are emerging, and to protect them from the long-term threats of decline.
During the period of project implementation, 41 regional and national MAPs (i.e. Science-Public-Policy Stakeholder Platforms) have been established in 19 EU Member States and the UK (Scotland). Over 630 scientific, public and political stakeholders have been involved and have actively participated in the SHERPA methodology to find solutions on a wide range of themes of regional relevance. In addition, a common knowledge base on EU rural policy has been created, bringing together the results of previous and ongoing projects - the SHERPA Repository.
Synthesized needs, opportunities, challenges and good practices for rural areas had been identified in multiple publications: more than 100 MAP Position Papers/Notes; 9 SHERPA Position Papers (and one more in the pipeline). SHERPA is mentioned multiple times in the EC Communication on the Long Term Vision for Rural Areas. A very important outcome of the project is the formulation of recommendations for future research agendas and for the development of future rural policies. The project has also generated other results of lasting value: working principles of the MAPs, a review of the rural ambition in the CAP Strategic Plans, methods for setting up MAPs, etc.
At the end of the event, the participants were introduced to the ongoing follow-up initiatives and discussed expectations and possibilities for further cooperation.
SHERPA project comprehensively addressed the full scope of the H2020 Coordination and Support Action for the topic “RUR-01-2018-2019 - D Rural society-science-policy hub”, agreement no. 862448.
More detailed information is available online: https://rural-interfaces.eu/
Project coordinator in Lithuania dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-Raudonė
tel. (8 5) 261 7978, el.p. zivile.gedminaite@laei.lt;
tel. (8 672) 00413, el.p. rita.vilke@laei.lt
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