Public policy makers are increasingly focusing on essential differences revealed after the transition of the economic system into the post-industrial stage. In the context of fast changes in rural areas, the greatest challenges are faced by those engaged in drafting rural policy programmes. The article introduces a research that corroborates increasing orientation toward the post-industrial economic and social fabric among young educated Lithuanian people who intend to settle permanently in a rural settlement or a farm. Identification of the criteria determining the decision to take up permanent residence in a rural area allows putting forward recommendations for rural policy makers, who are seeking to attract population to rural areas so that the quantity and quality of human resources could build up a critical mass required for further economic and social development of those regions.
Key words: Rural policy; rural settlements; post-industrial sočiety; informatikon; human resources.
Vidickienė, D.; Melnikienė, R.; Ribašauskienė, E. 2015. Kaimo tipo gyvenviečių patrauklumas jaunimui poindustrinėje visuomenėje = Attractiveness of rural settlements for young people in post-industrial society. In Filosofija. Sociologija. 26(4):322-328. ISSN 0235-7186, eISSN 2424-4546. [Arts & Humanities Citation Index; CEEOL; Central & Eastern European Academic Source (EBSCO sąrašas); The Philosophers Index; Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science); SocINDEX (EBSCO sąrašas); SocINDEX with Full Text; Sociological abstracts (CSA) core].
Attractiveness of rural settlements for young people in post-industrial society (In Lithuanian language)