Abstract. The Common Agricultural Policy (hereinafter - CAP) direct payment scheme has contributed to structural change in Lithuanian agriculture. In particular, it has influenced farmers’ behaviour by making them reconsider their participation in agricultural production, leading to farm exits or re orientation towards production of cereal. The problem of the research: in order to assess if Single Area Payment Scheme worked for sustainable devel-opment of agriculture in Lithuania, the extent to which the CAP 2004-2013 direct payment scheme has contributed to the increase/reduction of viability and economic attractiveness of different types of farming in Lithuania is exam ined. The objective of the research is to carry out selection of indicators that characterize the economic attractiveness of different types of farming and to apply these selected indicators for assessing the impact of CAP 2004-2013 direct payment scheme in Lithuania.
Key words: CAP, direct payment scheme, economic attractiveness, economic sus tainability, indicators.
Volkov, A.; Droždz, J. 2016. Evaluating impact of the common agricultural policy 2004-2013 direct payment scheme on economic sustainability of agriculture in Lithuania, In Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej 348(3):93-105. DOI: 10.5604/00441600.1218280, p-ISSN 0044-1600, e-ISSN 2392-3458 [IndexCopernicus™].