The article investigates the estimation of farmers’ entrepreneurship ability in various-scale dairy farms by using FADN data. The aim of this article is to provide entrepreneurship definition, evaluate entrepreneurship ability indicator by using optimization methods, identifyand compare distribution among small and large-scale dairy farms. Entrepreneurship of each farm is estimated by Implementing deterministic optimization method. The results of the research show that owners of large-scale dairy farms have more skilled entrepreneur ability than owners of small-scale dairy farms. To increase entrepreneur ability in small-scale dairy farms organization of business management courses are proposed.
Keywords: operations research, farm households, entrepreneurship, household analysis.
JEL Codes: C44, Q12, L26, R51.
Jedik, A.; Stalgienė, A. 2013. Pienininkystės ūkininkų verslumo nustatymas naudojant optimizavimo metodą, Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development = Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai 35(4): 538-543. (ISSN 1822-6760 (print) / ISSN 2345-0355 (online)) [EBSCO host: Business source complete nuo 2006 (EBSCO sąrašas) Central & Eastern European Academic Source nuo 2006 (EBSCO sąrašas); Ulrich’s; IndexCopernicus].