Statistical publications “FADN survey results” are annually published since 1996. The publication of 2010 is based on accountancy data of 2009 from 1301 family farms and 47 agricultural companies. Selected farms cover all districts, natural zones and reflect different farming conditions.
Lithuania must deliver data of 1000 farms to the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Lithuania is considered to be one FADN region, the threshold of the field of observation is 2 ESU (European Size Units). A sample farm represents approximately 30 farms. According to the Lithuanian legislation Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics is assigned to be a Liaison Agency, Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service - Accountancy office.
Like in previous years, statistical results of family farms and agricultural companies are presented separately, as they are very different from both economic size and labour input. Some types of farming and economic size classes are aggregated. Weighted averages per farm are calculated for each group and the whole country. Data of the previous year per country is also presented, what enables to compare farming results in the course of the last two years. Structure of the sample farms (family farms and agricultural companies) is revealed in the tables 4 and 5 respectively. Data of FSS 2007 served to calculate weighted averages for both types of farms. The sample almost completely covers field of observation.
Year 2009 was significantly worse to agriculture compared to 2008. The yields of most crops (except for sugar and fodder beet, field vegetables) were lower 10 - 18 per cent. Purchasing prices of crops, milk and livestock were also considerably lower, what resulted in decrease of output crops per 1 ha UAA by 25 per cent, output livestock per 1 livestock unit - 20 per cent. Total output per 1 ha UAA decreased by 23 per cent compared to 2008. Though the costs remained on the similar level, investments were slightly higher compared to 2008, Farm Net Income per 1 ha UAA decresed by 22 per cent.
In Lithuania during 2004 - 2008 Farm Net Income per 1 ha UAA steadily grew, though in 2008 this indicator was slightly worse than in 2007 (figure 2). Similar tendencies took place in Latvia. In Poland the tendencies were similar to the EU, though decrease in 2008 reached even 26 per cent.
Like in previous years, the best results per 1 ha UAA were achieved in the farms of horticulture and permanent crops. Total Output per 1 ha UAA was higher for 3 times, Farm Net Income - 2, 7 times than the averages per country. 22
Own capital increased by 9 per cent in the course of the year and amounted to 87 per cent of all agricultural assets, debts decreased by 11 per cent.
Similar tendencies prevailed in the Agricultural Companies as well. In 2008 output crops decreased by 30 per cent, output livestock - 12 per cent, Farm Net Income - even by 61 per cent compared to 2008. The best Farm Net Income per 1 ha UAA was achieved in the agricultural companies of field crops and granivores, combined.
This publication contains 50 tables. Both family farms and agricultural companies are grouped by:
- economic size;
- type of farming;
- area;
- land quality point.
In addition family farms are grouped by:
- farmer’s age;
- counties;
- less favoured (LFA) and normal areas;
- organic farms.
Types of farming in family farms (row headings in the tables of family farms):
- specialist cereals, oilseeds and protein crops (TF 13);
- general field cropping (TF 14);
- horticulture and permanent crops (TF 20, 34);
- specialist dairying (TF 41);
- mixed cropping (TF 60);
- mixed livestock, mainly grazing livestock (TF 42, 43, 44, 71);
- field crops - grazing livestock, combined (TF 81);
- field crops and granivores, combined (TF 50, 72, 82).
Types of farming in agricultural companies (row headings in the tables of agricultural companies):
- crops (TF 13, 14);
- horticulture and permanent crops (TF 20, 34);
- field crops - granivores, combined (TF 50, 82);
- field crops - grazing livestock, combined (TF 81).
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