The paper aimed to evaluate the differences of fertilizers consumption and land productivity across family farm types and farm size classes in Lithuania. Lithuanian FADN data from 2014 were obtained for the analysis. The research draws on a sample of 616 family farms. The analyses are carried out for specialist cereals, oilseeds and protein crops farm type (TF 15), general field cropping farm type (TF 16), horticulture farm type (TF 23) and various permanent crops combined farm type (TF 38). Results are presented in weighted averages by using weighting factors to achieve estimation for the total Lithuanian family farms. An overview of fertilizers consumption in Europe countries is presented. The results revealed that in 2010 fertilizers consumption averaged 90 kg/ha UAA in Europe, the highest level was recorded in Netherlands (more than 140 kg/ha UAA) and Romania reported the lowest level of fertilizers consumed, at just above 30 kg/ha UAA. In Lithuanian family farms the consumption of fertilizers averaged 169.9 kg/ha UAA across considered farm types and ranged from 20.2 kg/ha UAA on permanent crop farms to 195.4 kg/ha UAA on conventional field cropping farms in 2014. Nitrogen-based fertilizers accounted for 52% of the fertilizers consumed and 88.2 kg/ha UAA indicated large consumption level. Therefore, developing a suitable nutrient management system that optimize crop yields while minimizing nutrient losses is still needed as efficient fertilizers consumption management should ensure both enhanced and sustainable agricultural production and safeguard the environment.
Key words: Fertilizers; consumption; land productivity; family farms; FADN
Dabkienė, V. 2016. Fertilizers consumption on Lithuanian family farms, In Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development 16(4):77-82. ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952. [Copernicus ICV 2013: 6.64; DOAJ; CABI; Ulrich's Periodicals Directory; Google Scholar; PBN (Polish Scholary Bibliography); OCLC (WorldCat); SCIPIO; Citefactor; Research Bible].