Formation of Theoretical and Methodological Assumptions in the Assessment of Significance of the Bioeconomy in the Country Economy

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Formation of Theoretical and Methodological Assumptions in the Assessment of Significance of the Bioeconomy in the Country Economy



In order to ensure sustainable development of the modern economies, there is a need for transforming the linear economy model to circular or green economy model. Bioeconomycan contribute to this goal by ensuring the use of bioproducts and biotechnologies. The flow of material and energy in the bioeconomy is based on the use of biomass and renewable sources for food, feed, and materials production. Circulation principle reduces the amount of waste and increases the efficiency of resources use. It is important to discuss the notions of bioeconomy as described in the strategical and legal documents for bioeconomy development. This research mainly focuses on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of bioeconomy, the main measures for stimulating the develop-ment of bioeconomy. We also review the trends of the development of bioeconomy across different countries.


Biekša, T.; Baležentis, T. 2019. Formation of Theoretical and Methodological Assumptions in the Assessment of Significance of the Bioeconomy in the Country Economy. Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems of Sustainable Development. Vol. 14, No 1, p. 139–148, ISSN: 1895-6912.

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