Negative effects of covid-19 pandemic on agriculture: systematic literature review in the frameworks of vulnerability, resilience and risks involved

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Negative effects of covid-19 pandemic on agriculture: systematic literature review in the frameworks of vulnerability, resilience and risks involved



Covid-19 pandemic provided many negative effects on world economies and people around the world. The covid-19 creates many threats to sustainability of agriculture sector which is very sensitive because of food supply security needs. First of all, it is necessary to analyse and comprehend the immediate consequences of current pandemic on agricultural and food systems in order to develop necessary actions. The risks, vulnerability, resilience and systemic shifts of agricultural systems need to be better understood in order to adapt to covid-19 pandemic. The aim of this paper is to analyse the negative impacts of covid-19 on agriculture and food systems by applying vulnerability and resilience approach by treating covid-19 like global disaster. The concepts of ‘vulnerability’, and ‘resilience’ which dominates disaster studies historically initiated after the World War II were applied to systematise literature review. The main input of this paper is systematization and grouping of the main measures to enhance resilience of agriculture systems in the face of covid-19 pandemic based on recent scientific studies published in 2020. The future research guidelines are also provided based on conducted systematic literature review.

Štreimikienė, D.; Baležentis, T.; Volkov, A.; Ribašauskienė, E.; Morkūnas, M.; Žičkienė, A. 2021. Negative effects of covid-19 pandemic on agriculture: systematic literature review in the frameworks of vulnerability, resilience and risks involved Economic research-ekonomska istraživanja : Taylor & Francis. ISSN 1331-677X. eISSN 1848-9664. p. 1–17; DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2021.1919542; [Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science); Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)].

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