This study analyze some specific aspects of the implementation of the Rural Development Program between the Apulia Region (in Southern Italy) and Lithuania for the period 2007-2013 and highlight the limitations characterizing the possibility of building an analysis framework aimed at understanding how it actually affects the regional and country agricultural system. More specifically, by referring to a specific measure of the rural development program (Measure 121 of Axes I), the aim is to analyze whether there are difference of investment activity implemented. To this purpose, we have worked at collection all the information available at the Managing Authority of Apulia Region and Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics. The observation of the gathered data, in fact, makes us observe the existence some difference between two country, in particular in Lithuania there is preference for a larger number of small projects that provides more homogeneous development of rural areas and promotes entrepreneurship, in Italy (Apulia Region) mostly large projects were financed. The aim to this study is to make an early attempt to conceptualize a framework through the analysis of the Rural Development Program 2007-2013 between Italy (Apulia Region) and Lithuania, the measure 121 it is implemented. The results of this study evidence a large number of small projects in Lithuania aimed at provide a more homogeneous development of rural area.
JEL classification: Q 14.
Keywords: Modernization; Agricultural holdings; Measure; Rural development indices.
Copyright © 2016 Mykolas Romeris University. Production and hosting by Elsevier
Caruso, D.; Contò, F.; Skulskis, V. 2015. The implementation of measure 121 of the rural development program: Comparative analysis between Italy and Lithuania, In Intellectual Economics = Intelektinė ekonomika 9(2):102-107. doi:10.1016/j.intele.2016.02.001 ISSN 1822-8011, eISSN 1822-8038 [ScienceDirect® is a registered trademark of Elsevier; CEEOL; Central & Eastern European Academic Source (EBSCO sąrašas); IndexCopernicus].