The regulation of the minimum wage (MW) constitutes an important measure of state’s so-cial and economic policy. The effectiveness of its implementation is highly dependent upon the so-cioeconomic situation. The research aims to identify the linkages and patterns of MW and macroe-conomic indicators across the European Union (EU) Member States by the means of the multiple correspondence analysis. The following tasks are therefore set: 1) to describe the theoretical preli-minaries for MW regulation and their manifestations in the EU; 2) to establish a multiple corres-pondence analysis model for revealing the linkages between MW and macroeconomic indicators; 3) to identify the linkages between MW and macroeconomic indicators in the EU Member States. The research period spans over 2007-2013, thereby encompassing both economic recession and growth. Application of the multiple correspondence analysis showed that MW is strongly related to macroe-conomic indicators of the EU Member States. These linkages remained rather stable throughout the research period thus indicating that the level of MW should be adjusted with regards to the overall economic situation. Otherwise, the regulation of MW might induce an increase in unemployment.
Keywords: minimum wage, European Union, correspondence analysis.
JEL Codes: J30, J38.
Mačerinskaitė, R.; Kėdaitis, V.; Baležentis, T. 2016. Minimaliojo darbo užmokesčio ir makroekonominių rodiklių sąsajos Europos Sąjungoje, In Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development = Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai 38(1):36-47. DOI:10.15544/mts.2016.4 (ISSN 1822-6760 (print) / ISSN 2345-0355 (online)). [EBSCO, Business Source Complete, Ulrich’s, DOAJ, OAJI, IndexCopernicus, ERIH PLUS and].