Transformative Tourism

Transformative Tourism



Transformative tourism is a new form of tourism business focused on how to use cultural and natural resources of visited places for individual or collective transformation. It may be defined as an innovative form of transformative learning which not only enables a person to get new information but also allows testing the new cultural values in practice and gives an understanding of how to consider the local context when implementing own development solutions.


Vidickienė, D.; Gedminaitė-Raudonė, Ž.; Lankauskienė, R.; Chmieliński, P. 2023. Transformative Tourism. Maggino, F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research : Springer, Cham, 2023. ISBN 9783319699097. eISBN 9783319699097. p. 1–4. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69909-7_104688-1

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