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The economic situation of Lithuanian agricultural sector faces with challenges in regards to family farms’ income instability and income discrepancies between family farms. The aim of this paper is to assess the economic sustainability of Lithuanian sector at farm level across farm size classes in terms of physical size and by specialization.
Authors:dr. Vida DabkienėIERD
Renewable energy sources (RES) are the main drivers of sustainable energy development. Notwithstanding the substantial expansion of renewables in the past decade, boosted by the various policies and measures, renewable energy sources are still far from full incorporation into the energy markets. It is necessary to overcome the remaining impediments for renewables to realize the energy transition to 100% renewable energy.
Authors:dr. Justas ŠtreimikisIERDJintao Lu Licheng Ren Siqin Yao Dan Rong Marinko Skare
Artūras Kaklauskas, Darius Jokubauskas, Justas Čerkauskas, Gintautas Dzemyda, Ieva Ubartė, Darius Skirmantas, Askoldas Podviezko, Ieva Šimkutė Kaklauskas, A.; Jokubauskas, D.; Cerkauskas, J.; Dzemyda, G.; Ubarte, I.; Skirmantas, D.; Podviezko, A.; Simkute, I. 2019. Affective analytics of demonstration sites. In Engineering applications of artificial intelligence. Vol. 81, p. 346-372; ISSN: 0952-1976; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2019.03.001; [Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Current Contents - Engineering, Technology & Applied Sciences; EBSCOhost; Engineering Index Monthly; Ei Compendex; Gale Academic OneFile; Gale Infotrac Custom; INSPEC; Science Citation Index Expanded; PubMed/Medline; Scopus; Web of Science; TEMA - Technik und Management; Zentralblatt MATH].
This study analyzes financial and economic determinants of sustainable economic performance using the quantile regression for the period from 1970 to 2016 for Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa. The main drivers of sustainable economic performance vary among the economies. It is driven by trade openness, government expenditure and political stability in Egypt. In South Africa, the desired threshold for financial development to impact growth is reached.
Authors:dr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėIERDZakaria Yakubu Nanthakumar Loganathan Asan Ali Golam Hassan Abbas Mardani
Currently, developing the tax system and improving financial relations between the state and taxpayer are rather important aspects of reforming the economic situation and are relevant to this study. The purpose of this article is to substantiate the scientific approaches to the reform of modern tax systems and to identify effective directions for their practical implementation.
Authors:dr. Aistė GalnaitytėIERDdr. Virginia NamiotkoIERDValentynа Antonenko Leonid Katranzhy K. Moiseienko Svitlana Yudina Olha Brezhnyeva-Yermolenko Svitlana Hanziuk
This paper aims to investigate the transmission of beef meat prices along the supply chain in Lithuania. A set of econometric techniques allows studying relationships between prices on the farm and at the retail store level during the period from 2010 to 2017.
Authors:dr. Nelė JurkėnaitėIERDDimitrios Paparas
Renewable energy is expected to play a significant role in power generation. The European Union, the USA, China, and others, are striving to limit the use of energy crop for energy production and to increase the use of crop residue both on the field and for energy generation processes. Therefore, crop residue may become a major energy source, with Ukraine following this course. Currently in Ukraine, renewable power generation does not exceed 10% of total electricity production.
Authors:dr. Tomas BaležentisIERDdr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėIERDYongzhong Jiang Valerii Havrysh Oleksandr Klymchuk Vitalii Nitsenko
The goal of this research was to review the literature dedicated to barriers to the development of the organic production system. As an agricultural system combining economic and environmental objectives, organic farming has gained social acceptance. The growth of consumer interest in organic food is indicative of this. Public funds play an important role in the development of organic farming, encouraging the transition from a traditional to an organic system of farming.
Authors: Aldona StalgienėIERDZofia Kołoszko-Chomentowska
This study develops an integrated framework for assessment of cropping sustainability at the aggregate (country) level. Such sustainability criteria as total water footprint, Shannon equitability index, total output, and downside coefficient of yield variation are used to rank the crop mixes, corresponding to different assumptions.
Sustainable agriculture is the basis for long-term economic growth ensuring employment for the rural population. The aim of this research is to assess the dynamics in agricultural output, investments, direct payments and energy use in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) during 2008-2017.