The paper performed comparative assessment of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission trends and climate change mitigation policies in the fuel combustion sector of selected EU member states with similar economic development levels and historical pasts, and implementing main EU energy and climate change mitigation policies, having achieved different success in GHG emission reduction.
Authors:dr. Justas ŠtreimikisIERDAsta Mikalauskienė Ignas Mikalauskas Gintarė Stankūnienė Rimantas Dapkus
Biogas production from animal manure offers many environmental, agricultural, energy security, and social-economic benefits. The growth of biogas from animal manure in Lithuania is limited. Currently, there are only 10 biogas plants in operation that have been installed on large-scale pig farms.
The new paradigm of innovative, sustainable and inclusive rural development calls for the search of new forms and approaches that might be applicable to explain the on-going transformations in the knowledge age. New rural policy stresses the focus on bottom-up approach, self-organization and cooperation between territorial government and local community.
Authors:dr. Rita VilkėIERDLigita Šarkutė
During last decades the essential shift occurred in the structure of the economy from industrial product-driven to the post-industrial service-driven economic system. A growing number of manufacturing firms throughout the world are shifting from selling goods to offering more and more services alongside their products. This movement is termed the “servitization”.
This study empirically tested the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions in pay television (pay TV) industry and examined the moderating role of switching barriers in predicting customer behavior. This research incorporates a new component of switching barrier which is social ties to understand customers’ behavioral intentions. Data were gathered from 245 pay TV customers via the application of a survey.
This article is aimed at identification of the shadow economy’s causal factors and indicators in 19 Eurozone member states over the period from 2005 to 2016. Application of the MIMIC model has allowed to identify the following causal factors of the shadow economy in the Eurozone: employment rate, gender wage gap and income inequalities (expressed as the GINI index).
Authors:Rita Remeikienė Gasparėnienė Ligita Viktoras Chadyšas Martin Cepel
China’s electricity industry has been undergoing a process of regulatory reform. This study aims to analyse the impact of liberalization on the electricity market assuming different degrees of scope of the reforms by applying a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model.
Authors:Jieting Yin Qingyou Yan Kaijie Lei
This study offers a structural model based on the social exchange theory (SET) and bottom-up spillover theory. The model presents a discussion on the relationships among non-economic factors including perceived sociocultural and environmental impacts of tourism, satisfaction with the way of life and recreation amenities domains, overall quality of life satisfaction and residents support for sustainable tourism development (SSTD).
With the aim to describe a potential of stakeholders participating in agrarian policy making, the article analysis characteristics of the typical farmer who is interested in involvement into organizations of common interest. The analysis of the data received from 1108 representatives showed that although the willingness to cooperate in order to protect common interests is expressed by every second person, only a tenth of farmers participate in agricultural organizations.
Authors:Agota Giedrė Raišienė Askoldas Podviezko Yuriy Bilan
This study attempts to investigate the short and long-run cointegration with the causal nexus between financial developments, trade and output growth in Nigeria. The financial instability index was generated using the residual based analysis to account for the effect of financial instability on growth.