Dalia Vidickienė
Vidickienė D. 2018. Naujosios ūkininkų kartos poreikiams pritaikytos kaimo politikos teoriniai pagrindai. Viešoji politika ir administravimas = Public Policy and Administration. T. 17, Nr. 1, p. 54-67. ISSN online 2029-2872 / ISSN print 1648-2603. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ppaa.17.1.20607 [Scopus; EBSCO Publishing; Inc.; C.E.E.O.L.; PROQUEST; ULRICH'S].
Pythagorean fuzzy sets are highly appealing in dealing with uncertainty as they allow for greater flexibility in regards to the membership and non-membership degrees by extending the set of possible values. In this paper, we propose a multi-criteria group decision-making approach based on the Pythagorean normal cloud. Some cloud aggregation operators are presented in this paper to facilitate the appraisal of the underlying utilities of the alternatives under consideration.
China’s electricity sector mainly relies on coal-fired thermal generation, thus resulting that nearly 50% of China’s total CO2 emissions coming from the electricity sector. This study focuses on the provincial CO2 emissions from China’s thermal electricity generation. Methodologically, Index Decomposition Analysis (IDA), facilitated by the Shapley Index, is applied to discover the driving factors behind CO2 emission changes at the provincial level.
This study aimed to examine the effect of financial instability, energy prices and trade openness on economic growth for leading African countries (Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa). We employed the second-generation cointegration test and the Dumitrescu and Hurlin (DH) heterogeneous panel Granger causality test over the period from 1970 to 2016. The result of cointegration analysis revealed that, there is the existence of a cointegration relationship between the financial instability, oil prices, and trade openness on economic growth sustainability for leading African countries.
Authors:dr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėIERDAli Umar Ahmad Nanthakumar Loganathan Suraya Ismail Abbas Mardani Asan Ali Golam Hassan
This article examines the Lithuanian family farms profitability and growth throughout the period of 2005-2015. This research relies on the aggregate data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network database for different farming types and regions. The DuPont identity was applied to analyse the profitability (returns on equity) of family farms and its determinants in terms of profit margin, asset turnover, and equity multiplier (leverage).
The purpose of this study is to examine the efficiency of the banks in Lithuania by employing the DEA method and evaluate bank performance in a low interest rate environment. The efficiency scores were calculated with a non-parametric frontier input-oriented DEA technique with the variable returns to scale (VRS) and the constant returns to scale (CRS) assumptions. Five alternative models with different input-output combinations were developed, based on production, profitability and intermediation dimensions.
Authors: Lina NovickytėIERDJolanta Droždz
Research background: The increase in the demand for organic products prompts the establishment of green farms. In spite of the large global interest in green farming, scientific literature is not rich in the studies that cover the issues of the factors of green farming. Although previous studies examine different factors of green farming (organic farming), the factors that facilitate or impede the development of green farming, especially at the national level (the case of Lithuania), are hardly considered. In order to fill this gap in the scientific literature, we formulate the following problem of the research: what factors promote green farming?
Authors:Rita Remeikienė Gasparėnienė Ligita
We propose a new metafrontier, non-radial, biennial Luenberger productivity indicator to evaluate the total factor productivity growth of the Chinese banking sector, during the period of 2004–2012. The bootstrapping approach is also taken into account to introduce the statistical inference of the total factor productivity, and its components. It is found that the overall Chinese banking sector operated well with an average growth rate of 5.4%, where technological progress was the driving force promoting the development of the Chinese banking sector during the earlier studied period, and efficiency gains outperformed technological progress during the later studied period.
Most scholars of rural gender studies do not consider the essential changes in rural economy and life styles, defining rural areas as traditional and conservative. Research is still extremely fragmented into new problems facing the female population in rural areas, those arising from the changes in the lifestyle and the diversified income sources typical of post-industrial rural settlements.
Authors:dr. Dalia VidickienėIERD
This study focuses on one of mass media forms - television broadcasts, concerned with rural development issues - and its potential to become an accelerator for the emergence of new social movements dealing with rural development or strengthening the existing platforms for collective action in the industrial cultural domain. Empirical study is based on Lithuanian data.