An analytical review of the Lithuanian agricultural and food sector over the period of 2008-2012. “Agricultural and Food Sector in Lithuania 2012” is intended for representatives of governmental and self-governing authorities, scientific research and study institutions, and all interested in the development of agricultural and food sector, fisheries and rural areas.
The publication “Agricultural and Food Sector in Lithuania 2012” is the fourteenth edition of the annual publications by the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (LIAE). This analytical economic survey of agriculture, processing industry and fisheries was prepared referring to the statistical information, the census of agriculture, accountability data of companies, and the findings of research conducted by the LIAE staff.
The year 2012 was one of the most successful for the Lithuanian agricultural and food sector within the entire period under analysis. Due to good climatic conditions, the volumes of manufacture of a major part of agricultural products, especially grain, increased, and purchase prices went up. The gross agricultural output, if calculated at comparable prices, increased by 13.8 percentage points as compared to 2011. In 2012 the Lithuanian agricultural and food sector increased export even by 26.9%. Balance of foreign trade in agricultural and food products has been positive since 2004. In 2012 it was by LTL 1391 million higher than in 2011 and amounted to LTL 3388 million. National agricultural development was encouraged by the European Union (EU) and national budget support. In 2012 the share of the funds in the Lithuanian budget, assigned for financing of direct and investment assistance in agriculture, intervention and other market regulation measures, amounted to LTL 2.79 billion.
The publication presents changes in the indicators of the agricultural and food sector development covering the five-year period and focusing more considerable attention on the events and outcomes in 2012. With an aim of retaining the possibility for comparing the key tendencies, data in all surveys is provided following the single methodology and structure.
As in any previous year, some preliminary statistical indicators for the year 2012 were used. Final economic and financial outcomes will be reflected in the later publications of the Department of Statistics and in the next-year LIAE survey. Insignificant deviations due to rounding are possible in statistical data.
The publication is intended for all who are interested in the achievements and problems of the agrarian and food sector. Material provided here might be useful for agricultural specialists and scientists, farmers and entrepreneurs, teachers and students.
Our sincere gratitude goes to the Heads of the Department of Statistics and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, the Agricultural Information and Rural Business Centre and their staff members for provided statistical information and advice. Dear readers, we are kindly looking forward to your remarks and proposals.
Quoting requires reference to the source and website address.
© Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, 2013
Melnikienė, R., et al. 2013. Agricultural and food sector in Lithuania, 2012 [elektroninis išteklius]. Lietuvos agrarinės ekonomikos institutas. Vilnius. 93 p. ISBN 978-9955-481-39-3.