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Agricultural sector development outlook

Agricultural sector development outlook

Lithuania became European and World market share, arose the problem to evaluate not only internal but also external factors, when forecasting agricultural production, consumption and foreign trade. This can be done using econometric models, which allow consider the European Union (EU) and World balance sheets components forecasts and project developments of the Lithuanian agriculture.

Objective of the study - to prepare forecast for the agricultural and food sector up to the year 2020.

Tasks of the study: 1. To analyze the models used for the agricultural and food sector projections and select the most suitable in respect to the conditions of the country; 2. To identify indicators that affect the Lithuanian agriculture and food sector development; 3. To analyze and project the EU and national support influence for the developments of different agricultural and food sector branches; 4. To propose and assess forecasts of the main crop and livestock production balance sheets.

Statistical data analysis, experts’ interview and econometric sectoral modeling are used in the research study. The analysis is performed for main agricultural sectors using economic and manufacturing indicators for 2000-2008.

The first section consists of review of agricultural and food sectors forecasting models and research study methodology preparation. Lithuanian and EU macroeconomic assumptions, which have influence on agricultural and food sector development, are proposed in the second chapter. The third chapter consists of analysis and evaluation of current EU and national support influence on agricultural and food sector development. There are prognoses of crop (grains, rapes, sugar beet, potatoes) and animal (meat milk) sectors balance sheets up to the year 2020 in the fourth and fifth chapters.

The most important balance sheets parts of agricultural products are forecasted by using constructed model, which consists of evaluated internal and external factors influencing on agricultural and food sector development.