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Applications of game theory in bussiness decisions

Applications of game theory in bussiness decisions
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To write a monograph about Game Theory encouraged the following reasons: first of all, the lectures “Game Theory and it’s practical application” have been the most interesting for the students during the whole cycle of delivered lectures, secondly, analytical information in different languages on this topic is not so common, not in Lithuanian language at least, and thirdly, the authors wanted to test how widely companies in Lithuania have applied the principles of Game Theory in their daily activity and how beneficial they have been for the business. This monograph should be of interest for the representatives of business world, young people, who study social sciences (and not only!) and it also targets people, who are into such phenomenon as negotiations, business transparency, the meaning of emotions in decision making and the game itself. Of course, this monograph is not about gambling literary, but about the game essence of which is to get direct/indirect benefit from the choice of Game Strategy in all situations.


Remeikienė, R.; Gasparėnienė, L. 2017. Applications of Game Theory in Business Decisions : Scientific Monograph. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics. - 288 P. ISBN 978-9955-481-62-1.