Statistical publications “FADN survey results” are annually published since 1996. The publication of 2012 is based on accountancy data from 1302 family farms and 49 agricultural companies. Selected farms cover all districts, natural zones and reflect different farming conditions.
After the EU accession in 2004 Lithuania usually delivers data of 1000 - 1150 farms to the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). From the 2010 accountancy year the new farm typology is implemented in the EU. Due to the new agricultural policy, decoupling of some subsidies the Standard Gross Margin (SGM) coefficients became negative in several Member States. Therefore, it was decided to substitute SGM with Standard Output (SO) coefficients. The new economic size classes and types of farming were also defined (table 1 and 2). Lithuanian SO 2007 coefficients based on 2005 - 2009 data are presented in the table 3. Each member state must define an economic size threshold for including selected farms into the field of survey. Lithuania determined 4 thousand Euro threshold.
Like in previous years, statistical results of family farms and agricultural companies are presented separately, as they are very different from both economic size and labour input. Some types of farming and economic size classes are aggregated. Weighted averages per farm are calculated for each group and whole country. Data of the previous year per country is also presented, what enables to compare farming results in the course of the last two years. Structures of the sample farms (family farms and agricultural companies) are revealed in the tables 4 and 5 respectively. Data of Agricultural Census 2010 served to calculate weighted averages for both types of farms. The sample almost completely covers field of survey.
In 2012 crop yields, sale prices of most crop and livestock products (except for milk) were higher in family farms compared to 2011, what resulted in increase of output crops and output livestock by 31,7 and 3,3 per cent respectively. The subsidies remained on the similar level and, though, total inputs grew by almost 14 per cent, farm net income (FNI) was 17 per cent higher than in 2011.
In agricultural companies, like in family farms, crop yields were higher for most products, hovewer, sale prices of most crops were considerably lower, what resulted in slight increase of output crops (~9 per cent). Due to significantly lower milk and poultry price, output livestock decreased by 6 per cent and total output by 0,6 per cent. Total inputs remained on similar level and, though, subsidies decreased, FNI increased by 8 per cent.
Milk sector is very important to the Lithuanian agriculture, therefore, some specialist dairy farms indicators in the EU member states are revealed in the tables 6 and 7 - ratio of total output and total inputs as well as subsidies per 1 dairy cow respectively. Period of 2004 - 2010 is covered in these tables.
This publication contains 50 tables. Both family farms and agricultural companies are grouped by:
- economic size;
- type of farming;
- area;
- land quality point.
In addition family farms are grouped by:
- farmer’s age;
- counties;
- less favoured (LFA) and normal areas;
- organic farms.
Types of farming in family farms (row headings in the tables of family farms):
- specialist cereals, oilseeds and protein crops (TF 15);
- general field cropping, mixed cropping (TF 16, 61);
- horticulture and permanent crops (TF 23, 38);
- specialist dairying (TF 45);
- grazing livestock (TF 46, 47, 48, 73);
- specialist granivores (TF 51, 52, 53);
- field crops-grazing livestock, combined (TF 83);
- various crops and livestock combined (TF 84).
Types of farming in agricultural companies (row headings in the tables of agricultural companies):
- crops (TF 15, 16);
- horticulture and permanent crops (TF 23, 38);
- specialist granivores (TF 51, 52);
- specialist dairying, field crops-grazing livestock, combined (TF 45, 83).
Ūkių veiklos rezultatai (ŪADT tyrimo duomenys) 2012 = FADN survey results 2012. - Vilnius: Lietuvos agrarinės ekonomikos institutas, 2013. - 108 p.: iliustr., lent. - Santr. angl. ISSN 2029-1221.