Productive efficiency constitutes one of the key elements of the sustainability of economic activity. In the long run, positive changes in efficiency and productivity may net out increases in factor prices or decreases in produce prices thus increasing competitiveness of an enterprise, a sector, or an economy. It is therefore of utmost importance to analyse the patterns of productive efficiency as well as the key drivers thereof. This paper surveys scientific research dedicated for analysis of efficiency of Lithuanian agricultural sector. Furthermore, a research on international competitiveness of Lithuanian family farms is presented. Specifically, the analysis focuses on dairying and cropping. The research relies upon the frontier methodology. The results indicate that Lithuanian family farms are competitive in terms of production costs, yet need to maintain high levels of technical efficiency in order to exploit the advantage. The research focuses on energy intensity in Lithuanian and other countries‘ farms. By employing differnet sets of input-output variables, we analyse technical, environmental, and resource efficiency across the selected European Union Member States.
Key words: family farms; efficiency; productivity; competitiveness; Data Envelopment Analysis.
Baležentis, T.; Štreimikienė, D. 2015. Efektyvumo ir produktyvumo dėsningumai Lietuvos žemės ūkyje: tyrimų sintezė. Iš Darnaus vystymosi problemos ir jų sprendimai Lietuvoje : kolektyvinė monografija: elektroninis išteklius. Kaunas: Vilniaus universitetas, Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas, 234-260. ISBN 978-609-449-091-0.