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Lithuania became European and World market share, arose the problem to evaluate not only internal but also external factors, when forecasting agricultural production, consumption and foreign trade. This can be done using econometric models, which allow consider the European Union (EU) and World balance sheets components forecasts and project developments of the Lithuanian agriculture.
Farm production potential and its impact on the economic results have been varying, therefore, it is important to examine continually changes in economic activity and anticipate their after-effects. Lithuanian scientists often research the economic development of the agricultural sector, but econometric models in farms are not common-used yet. The structure of farm production potential sometimes does not ensure an effective use of the individual production factors, and investment is made without thorough economic calculations.
Ūkių veiklos rezultatai (ŪADT tyrimo duomenys) 2009
Statistical publications “FADN survey results” are annually published since 1996. The publication of 2010 is based on accountancy data of 2009 from 1301 family farms and 47 agricultural companies. Selected farms cover all districts, natural zones and reflect different farming conditions.
The market changes of agricultural and food products are analyzed in the publication „Market Research“ No 2 (48). Influence of the grain prices on purchasing prices of cattle and pigs, bread retail prices, raw milk market tendencies and their factors, changes in prices of potatoes, vegetables, poultry, and eggs are analyzed. The Lithuanian data is compared with appropriate data of the other EU member states, short - term prognoses are presented.
Market Research No.1 (47) deals with the variations in the markets of grain, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, berries, milk, beef, pork, poultry and eggs in 2009. The analysis includes the output of the agricultural produce and its products, the volume of sales, prices, retail prices structure, export and import flows. The data on Lithuania is compared with the data on neighbouring countries and the EU countries, short-term prognosis is presented. A comprehensive analysis of foreign trade of agricultural and food products in 2009 is presented.
Market Research No. 4 (46) deals with the variations in the markets of grain, rape, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, berries, milk, beef, pork, poultry and eggs in quarters I to III of 2009. The analysis includes the volume of the output and of the purchase, the prices, export and import flows of the agricultural produce. The data on Lithuania is compared with the data on other countries, prognosis is presented. The analysis includes foreign trade development of agricultural and food products as well as the results of farming activities in 2008.
Ūkių veiklos rezultatai (ŪADT tyrimo duomenys) 2008
Statistical publications “FADN survey results” are annually published since 1996. The publication of 2009 is based on accountancy data of 2008 from 1300 family farms and 47 agricultural companies. Selected farms cover all districts, natural zones and reflect different farming conditions.
Market Research No. 3 (45) deals with the variations in the markets of grain, rape, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, berries, milk, beef, pork, poultry and eggs in the first half-year of 2009. The analysis includes the volume of the output and of the purchase, the prices, export and import flows of the agricultural produce. The data on Lithuania is compared with the data on other countries, prognosis is presented. The analysis includes the country's foreign trade development of agricultural and food products.
Lietuvos žemės ir maisto ūkis 2008
An analytical review of the Lithuanian agricultural and food sector in 2008 is aimed at providing information to representatives of governmental and self-governing authorities, scientific research and study institutions, and all interested in the development of agricultural and food sector, pisciculture and rural areas.
Market Research No. 1 (43) deals with the variations in the markets of grain, rape, potatoes, vegetables, milk, beef, pork, poultry eggs and fish in 2008 and in January-February 2009. The analysis includes the volume of the output and of the purchase, the prices, export and import flows of the agricultural produce. The data on Lithuania is compared with the data on other countries, prognosis is presented. The analysis includes the country's foreign trade development of agricultural and food products in 2008.