Market Research No. 3(29) Part 1, Market of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products, deals with the variations in the markets of grain, rape, flax, potatoes, vegetables, fruit and berries, milk, meat, eggs and fish in the first half of 2005. The analysis includes the volume of the agricultural output and of the purchase, the prices, export and import flows, the comparison with the neighbouring and other EU countries and the third countries is presented.
Market Research No. 2(28), Part 1, Market of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products, deals with the variations in the country's markets of grain, rape, flax, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, milk, meat and their products in the first quarter of 2005. The analysis includes the volume of the agricultural output and of the purchase, the prices, the export and import flows. The comparison with the neighbouring and with other EU countries is presented.
The year 2004 is connected with the historical moment. On 1 May 2004 Lithuania became a member of the EU. The agri-food sector has begun a period of new possibilities and challenges. Free movement of capital, labour and commodities essentially has changed conditions for the development of agriculture and the countryside. The EU single market at once expanded possibilities for the exports and increased competition and requirements on quality and safety of products. On the other hand, the better direct payments, compensations and investment support allowed to restructure and modernise farms and enterprises, to increase farmers’ income, to improve social situation in the countryside.
Market Research No. 1(27), Part 1, Market of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products and land, deals with the variations in the markets of grain, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, milk, meat, and eggs in the end of 2004 and in the start of 2005, as well as in the market of land of agricultural purpose in 2004. The analysis includes the volume of the agricultural output and of the purchase, the prices, export and import flows. The comparison with the neighbouring and other EU countries and the third countries is presented.
Market Research No. 5(26), Part 1, Market of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products, summarizes the variations in the markets of grain, potatoes, vegetables, milk and meat in the second part of 2004. The analysis includes the volume of the agricultural output and of the purchase, trends of foreign trade with the third countries (due to technical obstacles the data on the trade with the EU countries according to individual product groups are not published yet) and the variety of producers, processing enterprises and retail prices. The comparison of the data on Lithuania with the data on other countries is presented.
Market Research No. 4 (25), Part 1, Market of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products and land, deals with the variations in the markets of grain, milk, meat and eggs as wells as of the land of agricultural purpose after the country's joining the EU. The analysis includes the variations of the agricultural producers, processing enterprises and retail prices, the volume, the prices and the flows of export and import of agricultural and food products. The data on Lithuania is compared to the data on other countries.
Statistical publications „Data about agricultural enterprises“ are published annually since 1996. The publication of 2004 is based on accountancy data of 2003 from 1307 family farms and 43 agricultural companies. Selected farms cover all districts, natural zones and reflect different farming conditions.
Market Research No. 3 (24), Part 1, Market of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products, deals with the status of the markets of grain, rape, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, milk, meat and fish in the first half of 2004. The analysis includes the variations of the agricultural producers, processing enterprises and retail prices, the volume, the prices and the flows of export and import of agricultural and food products. The data on Lithuania is compared to the data on other countries.
Market Research No. 2 (23), Part 1, Market of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products and land, deals with the variations in the markets of grain, potatoes, vegetables, berries, fruit, mushrooms, meat, eggs and milk in the first quarter of 2004, in the market of land of agricultural purpose. The analysis includes prices, export and import flows of agricultural products. A comparison with neighbouring countries is presented.
Market Research No. 1 (22) consists of three parts. Part 1, Market of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products, deals with the status of the markets of agricultural products over the recent two years and in the start of 2004. The analysis includes changes of producers, processing enterprises and retail prices, prices and flows of export and import, the comparison with neighbouring countries.