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Tomas Baležentis, Dalia Štreimikienė Baležentis, T.; Štreimikienė, D. 2015. Efektyvumo ir produktyvumo dėsningumai Lietuvos žemės ūkyje: tyrimų sintezė. Iš Darnaus vystymosi problemos ir jų sprendimai Lietuvoje : kolektyvinė monografija: elektroninis išteklius. Kaunas: Vilniaus universitetas, Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas, 234-260. ISBN 978-609-449-091-0.
Scientific journal. Journal is published Aleksandras Stulginskis University with the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics.
Statistical publications “FADN survey results” are annually published since 1996. The publication of 2014 is based on accountancy data from 1304 family farms and 41 agricultural companies. Selected farms cover all districts, natural zones and reflect different farming conditions. After the EU accession in 2004 Lithuania usually delivers data of 1050-1160 farms to the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Lithuanian economic size threshold for FADN survey is 4 thousand Euro. Ūkių veiklos rezultatai (ŪADT tyrimo duomenys) 2014 = FADN survey results 2014. - Vilnius: Lietuvos agrarinės ekonomikos institutas, 2015. - 108 p.: iliustr., lent. - Santr. angl. ISSN 2029-1221.
Scientific journal. Journal is published Aleksandras Stulginskis University with the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics.
Dalia Vidickiene, Rasa Melnikiene, Zivile Gedminaite-Raudone Vidickiene, D.; Melnikiene, R.; Gedminaite-Raudone, Z. 2014. Chapter IV. Development of Lithuanian rural regions towards knowledge society In Rural economies in Central Eastern European Countries after EU enlargement / Monograph. Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Zywnosciowej - Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy Nr. 110.1:47-65. ISBN 978-83-7658-489-8.
An analytical review of the Lithuanian agricultural and food sector over the period of 2010-2014. “Agricultural and Food Sector in Lithuania 2014” is intended for representatives of governmental and self-governing authorities, scientific research and study institutions, and all interested in the development of agricultural and food sector, fisheries and rural areas.
In 2014, as compared to 2013, the value of gross agricultural output (at constant prices) dropped by 5.6% (provisional data). The decline was driven by decrease in purchase prices of good global harvest of cereal and vegetables and by the increased supply due to the Russian embargo on import from the EU. In the last year purchase prices of agricultural went down by %. products 7.5 %. Lietuvos žemės ir maisto ūkis 2014 = Agriculture and food sector in Lithuania 2014. Autorių kolektyvas: R. Melnikienė - vadovė… [et. al.]. - V.: Lietuvos agrarinės ekonomikos institutas, 2015. - 187 p.; iliustr., lent., reziumė (angl.). (online) ISSN 2029-4980, ISSN 1822-5101.
Scientific journal. Journal is published Aleksandras Stulginskis University with the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics.
Second International Scientific-Practical Conference Economics and Management Science & Studies - Innovative Solutions June 26-27, 2015 Vilnius-Kaunas-Klaipėda Book of Abstracts
The monograph summarizes the researches of the authors in the fiels of family farm efficiency, resource economics, and agricultural policy. The foremost aim of the research is to develop an integrated framework for measurement and analysis the productive efficiency of Lithuanian family farms and identify the related implications for efficiency improvement. The proposed framework is mainly based on the non-parametric frontier methods. Object of the research is Lithuanian family farms reporting to the Farm Accountancy Data Network. Asmild, M.; Baležentis, T.; Hougaard, J. L.; Kriščiukaitienė, I. 2015. Advanced Analysis of Efficiency of Lithuanian Agricultural Sector: Methodologies and Applications : Scientific Monograph. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics. 480 p. ISBN 978-9955-481-51-5.