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Agricultural and Food Sector in Lithuania 2018

Agricultural and Food Sector in Lithuania 2018

The Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (LIAE) presents the twentieth jubilee edition of the annual publication “Agricultural and Food Sector in Lithuania 2018”. In the course of two decades the publication has attracted a broad circle of readers. Informative material contained here might be useful for agricultural specialists and scientists, farmers and entrepreneurs, lecturers and students. Quite a number of ministries of the Republic of Lithuania, embassies and other state institutions make reference to this publication.

The publication provides material highlighting Lithuania’s achievements in agriculture and food industry and their determinant factors, national agricultural and food product manufacture and sales on domestic and foreign markets, as well as changes in the economic and production performance of agricultural and food sector farms and enterprises.

Great relevance of the publication is owing to the exclusive competitive priorities of Lithuanian agriculture in the context of the European Union (EU) member states, the issues and challenges advanced, while meeting the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) programming period for 2021-2027. This is the basis in discussing the Lithuanian agricultural programming objectives, tasks and types of intervention measures.

The publication provides mainly the five-year period variations in the agricultural and food sector development indices, focusing special attention on the 2018 outcomes. Pursuing to retain the opportunity for comparing the key indices and their tendencies, data in all surveys is provided following the single methodology and structure.

The publication has been prepared according to the statistical information from the Department of Statistics to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (Statistics Lithuania), Eurostat, European Commission (EC), the Agricultural Information and Rural Business Centre (AIRBC), the National Paying Agency (NPA), the Public Enterprise “Ekoagros” and the LIAE research results (Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), Economic Accounts for Agriculture, etc.). As in any previous year, some provisional statistical data for the year 2018 have been used. Final economic and financial outcomes will be elucidated in the later publications of Statistics Lithuania and in the next-year LIAE survey.

Our sincere gratitude goes to the executives and staff members of the afore-mentioned institutions for expeditious provision of statistical information and advice.

The annual publication “Agricultural and Food Sector in Lithuania 2018” is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. The authors of the publication believe that this material will be useful for all interested in Lithuanian agricultural and food sector topicalities and welcome any feedback from you, dear readers.

ISSN 2351-6321 (Online)

Quoting requires reference to the source and website address.

© Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, 2019